Orlova Natalia, doc. CSc.
Obsah předmětu
Témata seminářů: 1. Attainment levels for language teaching in Europe. 2. Foreign language teaching models in Europe. 3. CLT and communicative competence. 4. Intercultural communicative competence 5. The concept of culture and its elements. Importance of cultural knowledge in language learning. 6. Types of cultures. Culture influence on people's behavior and perception of the world. Cross-cultural communication difficulties. 7. Culture and communications. Conversation stlyles 8. Non-verbal communication. 9. Values and expectations in education.
Studijní aktivity a metody výuky
Monologická (výklad, přednáška, instruktáž), Dialogická (diskuze, rozhovor, brainstorming)
Výstupy z učení
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
Aktivní účast ve výuce; dále dle pokynů vyučujícího
Doporučená literatura
Common European framework of reference for languages. Learning, teaching, assessment. (. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 2001.
Webové zdroje:.
Boldizsár, G. An introduction to the current European context in language teaching.. Council of Europe, 2003.
Komorowska, H & Krajka, J. Monoligualism- Bilingualism ? Multilingualism: the teacher?s perspective.. Peter Land Edi., 2017.
Martyniuk, W. Research for CULT Committee ? Language teaching and learning within EU member states. In-depth analysis.. Brussels: European Union, 2016.