Course: Pedagogical practice in kindergarten 6 - assistant in the 1st year of primary school

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Course title Pedagogical practice in kindergarten 6 - assistant in the 1st year of primary school
Course code CPP/7150
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Círus Lukáš, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
During the pedagogical practice, the student is obliged to perform the following tasks: - complete the interrogations and record each interrogation on the attached examination sheet - to carry out independent pedagogical activity on the basis of written preparations - after listening and output, the practicing teacher performs an analysis with the student. The student prepares a proper written preparation for each output, submits it in advance and in time to the training teacher and adjusts it according to his instructions. After analyzing the student's output, the teacher will give a brief evaluation. Not only the output itself is evaluated, but also the content and formal level of preparation processing. - implement assistant activities. Assistant activity means, for example, preparation and production of aids, work with documentation, assistant work in activities led by a practicing teacher - assistance in group work, working with problem children and any other activity related to the work of a practicing teacher or operation of equipment back - to get acquainted in detail with the organization of work, administration and methods of work used in kindergarten - to get acquainted with the organization of the facility and with the pedagogical documentation, with the school educational program - get acquainted with pedagogical documentation and school equipment - get acquainted with other responsibilities of teachers arising from the operation of the school - to participate in school events according to the instructions of the practicing teacher and to fulfill other pedagogical duties

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the assistant's practice is the gradual acquisition of practical skills under the guidance of a practicing teacher with a focus on the specifics of children's entry into the school environment and acquaintance with specific problems of educational activities in its initial stages. The internship will take place in primary school in the 1st year and students will work as an assistant - teaching assistant. During the internship, they will listen and try separate micro-outputs. The internship will be implemented in the first two weeks of the beginning of the new school year in the 1st grade of primary school. The aim is to create appropriate pedagogical-psychological attitudes towards children at the beginning of school attendance and to acquire basic methodological procedures in the practice of reading and writing and the formation of mathematical ideas in connection with knowledge of general didactics and developmental psychology. Students will get acquainted with the organization and preparation of educational activities and pedagogical documentation. They will get acquainted with the organization of primary school and pedagogical documentation and with the activities of the school group.

The student evaluates the course of practice, including the benefits of practice in relation to the selected facility. During the internship, the student will deepen the practical experience and knowledge gained so far, especially in the field of independent work in kindergarten. The student is acquainted with the organization and preparation of educational activities and pedagogical documentation in kindergarten. He has experience with the independent implementation of educational activities. He is able to analyze the results of teaching and his own pedagogical performance. The student is familiar with the basic terminology of preschool education, characterizes the qualities and specifics of preschool children, works with a curricular document for preschool education, applies theoretical knowledge to the creation of school and classroom education program, theoretically and partially practically manages planning activities in kindergarten content (material) and methodical and class documentation management. It specifies the concept of personality-oriented preschool education, its goals and key areas of preschool education and training (components of preschool education). He orients himself theoretically and practically in the basic concepts of education and in alternative educational programs. It characterizes the basic requirements for the performance of the teaching profession, describes the work activities and duties of a kindergarten teacher, the importance of self-reflection for professional and personal growth.

Assessment methods and criteria
Elaboration of portfolio from practice. At the end of the internship, the student will prepare a portfolio from the internship, which will include: - assessment prepared by the practitioner - self-evaluation of practice - self-evaluation - a detailed overview of the activities that the student performed in practice - characteristics of the kindergarten, characteristics of the educational program of the kindergarten - observation records from listening hours - written preparations from personally realized outputs supplemented by self-reflection (the student evaluates his expectations, ideas of what worked, what failed according to his ideas, a proposal for improvement). The portfolio from practice will be provided with a title page, will contain all parts according to the documents for the credit and will be submitted in digital form as one PDF file. (Detailed instructions and necessary forms are provided to students via the CPP website - always in an updated form for the relevant semester). The conditions for granting the credit are: - completing practice in the full range of activities - compliance with the specified length of practice - positive evaluation by a trainee - submission of all materials for credit - portfolio from practice The method of portfolio evaluation from practice is verbal. On the basis of a positive evaluation, a study control (credit) will be awarded.
Recommended literature
  • Syslová, Z. a kol. Didaktika mateřské školy.. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2019.
  • Syslová, Z., Štěpánková, L. Třídní projekty v mateřské škole.. Praha: Portál, 2019.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester