Course: Modeling of aerosol particle capture by green infrastructure in settlements in conditions of climate change

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Course title Modeling of aerosol particle capture by green infrastructure in settlements in conditions of climate change
Course code KZP/1MAPC
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Doctoral
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 15
Language of instruction English
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Zapletal Miloš, doc. Ing.
Course content
1. Basic information about green infrastructure and its role in reducing air pollution. 2. Emissions of aerosol particles into the atmosphere. Characteristics of aerosol particles. Influence of precursor emissions on the concentration of aerosol particles in the atmosphere. 3. Physical, chemical and biological factors influencing the concentration of aerosol particles in the air. 4. Transport of aerosol particles through the atmosphere, dips and outlets of aerosol particles. 5. Atmospheric deposition of aerosol particles. Physical, meteorological and chemical processes leading to the deposition flow of aerosol particles. 6. Atmospheric deposition of aerosol particles on a local and regional scale. Atmospheric deposition of aerosol particles in the Czech Republic and in the world. 7. Micrometeorological methods for measuring the deposition flux of aerosol particles. Gradient method. Eddy covariation method. 37 8. Modeling of deposition flow and capture of aerosol particles. Resistance models. Aerosol particle transfer models. Calculation of aerosol particle capture. 9. Analysis of urban greenery, its impact on the environment and the values of society. 10. Proposal of measures for maintenance and creation of urban greenery in areas with different sources of aerosol particle emissions and different population densities, including proposal of addition of green infrastructure and technical measures (green roofs and walls, suitable materials for building construction and aerosol particle capture). 11. Planning and care of urban greenery with regard to air pollution by aerosol particles and adaptation to heat and water shortages. 12. Qualitative modeling of scenarios of the effects of changes in the structure and distribution of urban greenery with regard to the sources of aerosol particle emissions, especially from transport and local heating plants. 13. Influence of reduction of precursor emissions on aerosol particle concentrations in the years 2030 to 2100. Projection of reduction of aerosol particle precursors (NOx, NH3 and VOC) in the Czech Republic.

Learning activities and teaching methods
learning outcomes
The student will gain an overview of: - on the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the deposition flux of aerosol particles into urban vegetation - theoretical basis of modeling and measurement of deposition flux of aerosol particles and calculation of aerosol particle capture by urban vegetation - evaluation of the influence of aerosol particles on urban vegetation - the impact of climate change on the emissions of aerosol particle precursors - planning and care of urban greenery with regard to air pollution by aerosol particles The student is able to practically perform: - measuring the flow of aerosol particles into urban vegetation (grass, shrubs, trees) - modeling of the total flow of aerosol particles into urban vegetation under conditions of climate change - calculation of aerosol particle capture by urban vegetation - assessment of urban green infrastructure in reducing aerosol pollution and adapting to climate change - assessment of the impact of aerosol particles on the health of green infrastructure in settlements - a proposal for measures for the maintenance and creation of urban greenery in areas with different sources of air pollutant emissions and different population densities, including a proposal to complement green infrastructure and technical measures (green roofs and walls, suitable building materials and aerosol particles).
Recommended literature
  • BRIMBLECOMBE, P., HARA, H., HOULE, D., NOVAK, M. (Eds.). Acid Rain ? Deposition to Recovery. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2007.
  • Economides, Ch. Green Infrastructure: Sustainable Solutions in 11 Cities across the United States. Columbia University, 201.
  • EPA. City of Camden Green Infrastructure Design Handbook. EPA 830-R-13-008, 2013.
  • HAIR, L. City Green: Inovative Green Infrastructure Solutions for Downtowns and Infill Locations. EPA 230R16001, 2016.
  • ZAPLETAL, M. Historický vývoj atmosférické depozice síry a dusíku v České republice. Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Opava, 2014.
  • ZAPLETAL, M. Hodnocení městské zeleně při snižování koncentrace polutantů v ovzduší a vlivu tepelného ostrova ve městě. In: Sborník k odborné konferenci Zelená města- města budoucnosti, Veřejné prostranství a městský mobiliář. Městské kulturní středisko Havířov, Havířov, 2017.
  • ZAPLETAL, M. KOTLÍK, B. Modelování depozičních toků částic a kvantifikace záchytu částic různými povrchy v urbanizované oblasti. Meteorologické Zprávy, roč. 65, č. 1, s. 23-29. 2012.
  • ZAPLETAL, M., ŠKARKOVÁ, P., KADLUBIEC, R. Jak vybrat nejlepší lokality pro výsadbu stromů s ohledem na zvýšení záchytu prachových částic a ozonu v městské oblasti. In: Růžičková, P. (eds.): Program a sborník konference Ovzduší 2015, Brno. Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Brno, s. 32-36., 2015.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester