1. Introduction, Importance of natural resource and ecosystem valuations. The practice of environmental expert witneses. 2. History of natural resource valuations, Time factor, Cost-benefit analysis. 3. Basic estimations of natural resource price. Formulas for basic natural resource types. 4. Land valuations (admin. and market prices, price information system, price maps) 5. Valuation methods of ecosystem functions and services. Preferential and expert methods. 6. Case studies in contingent valuations in environmental quality change. 7. Biotope valuation method (BVM) in the CR. 8. Case studies in BVM. 9. Ecosystem services and their valuations. 10. Externalities and public goods. 11. Property rights and nature protection. 12. Valuations in integrated forest functions. 13. Pricing of water and water flows in landscape. 14. Seminar works and their assessment.
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