Lecture Topics: 1. week: Psychological issues of diseases 2. week: Psychosomatic and psychosomatic relations, the auto-plastic view of the disease 3. week: Experiencing disease with time, the patient's attidude to the disease 4. week: The Categories of the disease from the psychological point of view 5. week: Psychological issues of hospitalization, iatropatogenic, sororigeny and egrotogeny 6. week: Professional deformation, the danger of the burn-out syndrome development 7. week: Stress 8. week: The psychology of pain, anxiety, fear and inferiority 9. week: The types of disorders and psychological approaches towards the clients 10. week: Dying and death from the psychological point of view 11. week: The rules of professional behaviour Seminar Topics: 1. week: Productive and non-productive behaviour, medical staff as a client 2. week: Psychotherapy in medical work 3. week: Disease as a difficult life situation 4. week: Communication with the patient 5. week: Communication within social network of the client 6. week: Maladaptive character symptoms 7. week: Non-productive behaviour 8. week: Productive behaviour and its symptoms 9. week: The issues of the approach towards the clients at the departments: internal, surgery 10. week: The issues of the approach towards the clients at the departments: gynaecology, six -week period, etc. 11. week: Informing about unpleasant news
BAŠTECKÁ, B. - GOLDMANN, P. Základy klinické psychologie. Praha: Portál, 2001.. ISBN 80-7178-550-4.
BERAN. J. Lékařská psychologie v praxi. 1. vydání. Praha: Grada. 144. S. 2009. ISBN: 978-80-247-1125-6.
BLATNÝ. M. a kol. Psychologie osobnosti. 1. vydání. Praha: Grada. 304 s. 2010. ISBN: 978-80-247-3434-7.
FELEILE. A. O., LIAN. L. B., FALEIDE. E. K. Vliv psychiky na zdraví. 1. vydání. 240 s. 2010. ISBN: 978-80-247-2864-3..
HAYESOVÁ. N. Základy sociální psychologie. 2. Vydání. Praha: Portál. 168 s. 2011. ISBN: 978-80-7367-909-5.
JOBÁNKOVÁ M. Kapitoly z psychologie pro zdravotnické pracovníky.Brno - IDVPZ, 2000,1.vydání, 202s. ISBN 80-7013-288-4. ISBN 80-7013-288-4.
JOBÁNKOVÁ, M. Vybrané problémy psychologie zdravotnické činnosti. Brno: IDV PZ, 1992..
KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Bolest a její diagnostika. Brno: IDV PZ, 1992. ISBN 80-7013-130-6.. Brno, 1992.
KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Psychologie nemoci. Praha: Grada, 2002.. Praha: Grada, 2002.
Křivohlavý, J. Psychologie nemoci. 1. vyd., Praha: Grada, 2002. 198 s. ISBN 80-247-0179-0.. Praha, Portál, 2003. ISBN 80-7178-774-4.
NAKONEČNÝ, M. Psychologie osobnosti. 1. vyd., Praha: Academia, 1995. 336 s. ISBN 80-200 0525-0.. Praha: Academia, 1995.
ZACHAROVÁ, E.; ŠRÁMKOVÁ, J.; HERMANOVÁ, M. Zdravotnická psychologie: teorie a praxe. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007. 229s. ISBN 978-80-247-2068-5..