Course: Social pedagogy and social pathology

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Course title Social pedagogy and social pathology
Course code KSZD/SOUK2
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Pivarč Jakub, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1st consultation: 1. Social pedagogy as a science, content and positioning of the subject in the structure of scientific disciplines, professional terminology and methodological starting points of social pedagogy. 2. Social determination of education, the process of socialization. 3. The family as an educational and socializing factor, classification of family types, the importance of the family in terms of the formation of the individual's personality, the function of the family and its changes in the present. 4. The environment and its influence on individuals. Local environment, importance of peer groups, group dynamics. Seminar topics: 2nd consultation: Socially pathological phenomena, their causes, theories of emergence, issues of selected socially pathological phenomena. System of prevention of socially pathological phenomena. Aggression and bullying. 3rd consultation: Social exclusion - causes, mechanisms, risks, consequences. Possibilities of overcoming social exclusion. Self-study: 1. Social climate in work teams. Social role, social position, diagnosis of relationships in a social group, popularity, influence, preference, sociometry, team work, team building. 2. Socially pathological phenomena, their causes, theories of origin, issues of selected socially pathological phenomena. System of prevention of socially pathological phenomena. 3. Challenging life situations, possibilities and limits of their management, lifestyle, way of life. 4. Selected negative phenomena at workplaces - mobbing, bossing. Burnout syndrome, its causes, development and consequences. Possibilities of preventing burnout syndrome. Diagnosis of burnout syndrome. 5. Mass media and their functions, the influence of mass media on the development of a person's personality, education and manipulation in relation to the media, media education and media literacy. 6. Subcultures and tribes. Definition, types and functions of culture. The positives and negatives of mass culture. Subcultures and postmodern tribes, so-called alternative subcultures and countercultures. Marginalized subcultures. 7. Media literacy and mechanisms of its creation

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to introduce the subject of social pedagogy as a scientific discipline and to become familiar with the aims, methods and means of this field. Attention will be paid to the investigation of the relationship between education and the environment, students will gain elementary knowledge about the social dimension of the educational process. This corresponds to the thematic content of the course focused on learning about the factors influencing the process of socialization and acquiring the ability to positively influence them, learning about different types of social environment, prevention, diagnosis and correction of possible pathologies of this environment, social and pedagogical communication, and last but not least on the issue of multiculturalism, creating a favorable social climate of the school classroom, the issue of social exclusion and other relevant topics.
Expertise: Student knows the mutual relations between education and the social environment, important factors of socialization and their influence on school education, important aspects of pedagogical communication and their influence on the course and goals of the educational process, socio-pathological and risky phenomena occurring in the school environment, its' manifestation and possibilities of prevention. Professional skills: Student is able to diagnose social relations in the school classroom at a basic level and to propose effective mechanisms for positive influence towards social cohesion and for support among pupils, to diagnose the manifestations of socially pathological and risky phenomena in the school environment and to propose methods of their effective prevention in relation to the age-specific characteristics of pupils. General qualifications: Student is able to design and implement activities aimed at strengthening pupils' competences for adequate communication in various social situations and cooperative resolution of possible conflicts.

Assessment methods and criteria
written exam
Recommended literature
  • International Journal of Social Pedagogy. ThemPra, UK. ISSN: 2051-5804.
  • Sociální pedagogika (Social Pedagogy/Social Education). Baťova Univerzita ve Zlíně. ČR. ISSN 1805-8825..
  • Sociální práce / Sociálna práca / Czech and Slovak Social Work. Asocialce vzdělavatelů v sociální práci, ČR..
  • BENDL, S. Nárys sociální pedagogiky. Dostupné: 27_bendl.pdf. Praha: PedF UK.
  • FISCHER, S., ŠKODA, J. Sociální patologie. Závažné sociálně patologické jevy, příčiny, prevence, možnosti řešení. 2.. Praha: Grada, 2014.
  • CHARFE, L., GARDNER, A. Social Pedagogy and Social Work.. New Delhi: SAGE Publication,, 2019.
  • CHUDÝ, Š., NEUMEISTER, P., JŮVOVÁ, A. Vybrané diskurzy teorie a praxe ve vzdělávání a uplatnění sociálních pedagogů v kontextu pomáhajících profesích [sic].. Brno: Paido, 2010.
  • INNES, M. Understanding social control: deviance, crime and social order.. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2003.
  • KNOTOVÁ, D., LAZAROVÁ, B., LOJDOVÁ, K., PEVNÁ, K. Úvod do sociální pedagogiky. Studijní texty pro studenty oboru sociální pedagogika. Dostupné Brno: MU, 2014.
  • KRAUS, B. Základy sociální pedagogiky. Praha: Portál, 2008. ISBN 978-7367-383-3.
  • MUNKOVÁ, G. Sociální deviace: přehled sociologických teorií. Praha, 2001.
  • PROCHÁZKA, M. Sociální pedagogika. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-3470-5.
  • SMOLÍK, A., SVOBODA, Z. a kol. Etopedické propylaje I.. Ústí nad Labem: PF UJEP, 2012.
  • SVOBODA, Z., MORVAYOVÁ, P. a kol. Schola Excludus. Ústí n.L.: PF UJEP, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7414-221-5.
  • SVOBODA, Z. Sociální pedagogika. Dostupné: Studijní opora Katedry pedagogiky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem. PF.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester