» List of faculties » FZS » KSZD
Course code KSZD/RZOK9
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Liehne Josef, MUDr.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. Definition of health care 2. Health care models in the world 3. Health care organization in the Czech Republic 4. Health insurance system 5. Economic aspects of Health care management 6. Development of the health system in the future Seminar Topics: 1. Historical aspects of development of Health care in the Czech lands 2. Health legislation 3. Quality and safety of health care1 4. Quality indicators and their impact on health care management 5. Preventive care 6. Cooperation with WHO and EU

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject acquaints students and organizations of health care in the world and in the Czech Republic from the medical, economic and organizational point of view.
Expertise: The student is able to describe and explain the principles of organization and management of Czech health care. Student knows current problems and possibilities of their solution. Professional skills: Student is able to define management problems, knows and respects economical, political and medical influences on Czech health care.

Assessment methods and criteria
80% attendance in seminars, activity in seminars
Recommended literature
  • DONELLY, J. H., J., L. GIBSON a J. M. IVANCEVICH, 1997. Management. Praha: Grada Publishing, ISBN 80-7169-422-3.. ISBN 80-7169-422-3.
  • Gladkij, I. Management ve zdravotnictví. 1. vyd. Brno: Computer Press, 2003. 380 s. ISBN 80-7226-996-8.. 2003.
  • MADAR, J. et al., 2004. Řízení kvality ve zdravotnickém zařízení. Praha: Grada Publishing. ISBN 80-247-0585-0. ISBN 80-247-0585-0.
  • VÁLKOVÁ, M. Hodnocení kvality poskytovaných zdravotních služeb. IPVZ Praha, 2015.
  • VEBER, J., a kol. Management kvality, environmentu a bezpečnosti práce: Legislativa, systémy, metody, praxe. 2. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Management Press 2010, ISBN 978-80-7261-210-9.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester