The subject introduces the issues of human migration and its consequences for the migrants and the major population. It introduces the phenomena the migrant deal with: a cultural shock, an integration block, language barriers, and lower chances of getting a job, disadvantageos economic situation of the families and the feeling of threat because of racist and xenophobic processes. This topic is being taught as a complex and in relation to health and health risk for the majority of population. The subject also covers the issues of approaching Gypsy population. The subject introduces the terms: spirituality, religion and spiritual needs of the patients from a different culture.
Subject Knowledge: Student knows basic terminology from the area of multiculturalism He knows the legislation related to the foreigners and minorities living in the Czech Republic He understands the issues of integration of the foreigners and ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic He knows the specific behaviour, the experience and the manifestations of minorities and foreigners Professional Skills: Student will develop practical communication skills for dealing with foreigners and the members of minority groups of the population Student is able to explain Leininger's theory of transcultural nursing He is able to adjust a nursing process in the context of transcultural nursing He will get specific skills relevant to the education of minorities and foreigners, he knows and he is able to perform a basic nursing research among the minorities and foreigners.
BENEDICTOVÁ, R. Kulturní vzorce.. Praha: Argo, 1999. ISBN 80-7203-212-7.
IVANOVÁ,K., aj. Multikulturní ošetřovatelství I. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2005, 248 s.. 2005. ISBN 80-247-1212-1.
PRŮCHA, J. Interkulturní psychologie.. Praha: Portál, 2004. ISBN 80-7178-885-6.
ŠPIRUDOVÁ, L., BURSOVÁ, J., TOMANOVÁ, D., PRUCHOVÁ, E. Multikulturní ošetřovatelství ve vzdělávacím procesu na SZŠ a VZŠ. Olomouc: PF a LF, 2002..
TOMANOVÁ, D., BURSOVÁ, J. Překonávání komunikačních a kulturních bariér při péči o pacienty odlišných etnik a kultur, Olomouc, LF UP Olomouc, 2003.
VOJTÍŠEK, Z. Encyklopedie náboženských směrů v České republice: náboženství, církve, sekty, duchovní společenství, vydání 1., Praha, Portál, 2004. 2004. ISBN 80-7178-798-1.