» List of faculties » FZS » KSZD
Course code KSZD/KPP9
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Vavřinková Blanka, doc. MUDr. CSc.
  • Bitalová Kamila, Mgr.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. Introduction to the study of the subject. Basic terminology (health, disease, disease course, prognosis, symptom, syndrome). 2. Anamnesis. Personal and family medical history. Gynecological and obstetric history, social and work history. Subjective and objective symptoms, the most common symptoms of the disease. 3. Physical examination. Meaning of physical examination, principles of physical examination. Examination by sight, touch, tapping, listening. Evaluation of the physical examination. 4. Examination of the general state (consciousness, breathing, position, posture, gait, constitution, state of nutrition, skin). 5. Physical examination of the head, neck and chest. Physical examination of the abdomen, limbs. Physical examination of the spine, lymph nodes, skin and reflexes. 6. Examination methods, division (laboratory, imaging, endoscopic, operative) meaning. Examination methods in gynecology and obstetrics. 7. Ultrasound methods and diagnostics in gynecology and obstetrics Exercise topics: 1. History collection, physiological functions, nursing scale, general distribution of physical examination Exercise: practical sorting of information as part of the collection of anamnesis, extracting information from the pregnancy certificate and medical reports, working with case studies 2. Physical examination - by sight (abdomen of the pregnant woman, her position and posture, assessment of amniotic fluid, assessment of bleeding), by tapping Exercise: detection of impaired pregnant posture by sight and its solution, evaluation of bleeding during all periods of labor and the midwife's procedure 3. Physical examination - palpation (pregnant abdomen and external pelvis) - feeling the position and position of the fetus using Leopold's palpation and Budin's palpation, palpation of abdominal diastasis, measurement of external pelvic dimensions, palpation of the coccyx Exercises: active use of Leopold's palpation and Budin's palpation to determine the position and position of the fetus, pelvimetry, release of the coccyx 4. Physical examination - palpation (vaginal examination of the mother, per rectal examination) - principles of vaginal examination of the mother and what we find during it, assessment of the quality of the pelvic floor muscles, principles for per rectal examination Exercise: determining the position of the fetus using a vaginal examination, assessment and description of the throat / gate, progress of birth depending on the feeling of the fontanelles and seam - positioning 5. Physical examination - listening (BP, CTG) - examination of physiological functions using a manual tonometer - BP, TF, evaluation of fetal sounds based on their listening and monitoring Exercises: BP measurement with a manual tonometer, assessment and classification of OPP according to listening, CTG assessment, case reports 6. Laboratory examination and pre-biopsy examination methods - sampling principles (blood, urine, smears), sorting of samples for laboratories Exercise: based on the given case, evaluate the necessary intakes, actively ensure the intakes 7. Working with case reports and cases - extracting information and designing a nursing procedure by a midwife Exercise: students receive information about the patient and, depending on the individuality of the case, propose a possible procedure for the midwife's care

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is a part of a complex of subjects profiling the Midwife. It enables to acquire knowledge and skills by obtaining anamnestic data, examination and laboratory methods and application of nursing process in clinical fields, especially in obstetrics, neonatology and gynecology. Emphasis is placed on the ability to perform physical examination and assess the current health status of the client / patient and the newborn. It involves gaining the ability to distinguish and diagnose potential risks.
Expertise: The student is able to say the basic examination methods used in the field of gynecology and obstetrics and can evaluate the parameters of the results. The student will determine physiological values of basic haematological, hemocoagulation and biochemical examination. Professional skills: The student is able to collect and evaluate anamnestic data of a pregnant woman. The student is able to carry out a physical evaluation of the somatic condition of a woman. The student is able to determine the level of postpartum adaptation in the newborn.

Assessment methods and criteria
80% attendance at seminars. Passing credit test. Exam: Oral exam
Recommended literature
  • BINDER, T., HAMANOVÁ, A., LAMKOVÁ, I., LAMPLOTOVÁ, L. Porodnická propedeutika. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Fakulta zdravotnických studií. 2015. ISBN: 978-80-7414-994-8.. ISBN 978-80-7414-994-8.
  • CITTERBART, K. Gynekologie. 2.vyd. Praha: Galén, 2008. ISBN: 978-80-7262-501-7.. ISBN 978-80-7262-501-7.
  • Čech, E., a kol. Porodnictví Praha: Grada Publishing, 2006, ISBN 802-47-1303-9.. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2006. ISBN 802-47-1303-9.
  • Chrobák, L. a kol. Propedeutika vnitřního lékařství ISBN: 978-80-247-1309-0.. Praha: Grada, 2003. ISBN 978-80-247-1309-0.
  • KOLIBA, P. et al. Propedeutika v gynekologii a porodnictví pro PA. Ostrava: Zdravotně sociální fakulta, 2004. 2004. ISBN 80-7042-353-6.
  • Měchurová, A. Kardiotokografie Praha: Maxdorf, 2012. ISBN: 978-80-7345-274-2.. Praha: Maxdorf, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7345-274-2.
  • NEJEDLÁ, M. Fyzikální vyšetření pro sestry. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1673-9.. ISBN 80-247-1673-9.
  • PILKA, R. a kol. Gynekologie. Praha: Maxford, 2017. ISBN: 978-80-7345-530-9.. ISBN 978-80-7345-530-9.
  • ROZTOČIL, A. Moderní gynekologie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 978-80-247-2832-2.. ISBN 978-80-247-2832-2.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Health Studies Study plan (Version): Midwife (P19) Category: Health service 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer