1. year: Individual training I.: Work place IP1: The facility of a primary care after a woman (gynaecological ambulance, pregnancy consulting), bed wards with gynaecological focus (gynaecological operative, conservative gynaecological therapy) The aim and content of IP1: In ambulatory area the student is fully focused on women being either healthy or ill, and on women being pregnant and after the birth. Under the guidance of an experienced birth assistant the student has a chance to practise and improve basic skills relevant to midwifery. He observes and evaluates medical condition of a pregnant woman, reacts to her needs, educates and gives some advice on healthy life style. He offers the women suitable solutions and supports the necessary change. During the course of IP 1 student manages the record book, where all the prenatal examination and physiological pregnancy observations are recorded. Everything will be confirmed with a signature of a supervising birth assistant or the mentor of a clinical training. In bed wards the student provides basic care in a form of a nursing process, and practise clinical training (special treatments and basic skills) under the supervision of the mentor or an experienced assistant.
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TRACHTOVÁ, E., aj. Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu. Brno: IDVPZ, 1999, 186 s.. 1999. ISBN 80-7013-285-X.
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