The subject is focused on the issue of emotions, emotional intelligence, interpersonal interaction and self-concept. It provides a basic overview of theoretical and cognitive approaches in the field of working with emotions. Getting to know the basic technique of working with emotions. The focus of the theoretical and practical part of the course is on the emotional intelligence, its development and possibilities of use in social interaction.
Expertise: Student can orientate himself in current theories of emotional issues, student can explain how emotions influence human behavior, cognitive functions and health. Professional skills: Student is able to recognize his emotional experience, student can characterize motivational principles and elements. General qualifications: The student is capable of empathic communication and listening.
ATKINSON, R. L., ed. Psychologie. Praha: Portál, 2003. ISBN 80-7178-640-3..
BROCKERT S., BRAUNOVÁ G. Testy emocionální inteligence. Praha, Ikar, 1997. ISBN 80-7202-149-4..
Goleman, D. Emoční inteligence. Praha, Columbus., 1997. ISBN 80-85928-48-5.
HARTL, P., HARTLOVÁ, H. Psychologický slovník. Praha : Portál, 2000. ISBN 80-7178-303-X.
HUBER, A. Emocionální inteligence. Praha, 2005. ISBN 80-903305-6-8..
NAKONEČNÝ, M. Lidské emoce. Praha: Avicenum, 2000. ISBN 80-200-0763-6..
NAKONEČNÝ, M. Základy psychologie. 1. vyd. Praha: Academia, 2002. Praha, Akademia, 2002. ISBN 80-200-0689-3.
STUCHLÍKOVÁ, I. a kol. Zvládání emočních problémů školáků. Portál, 2005. ISBN 80-7178-534-2..
STUCHLÍKOVÁ, I. Základy psychologie emocí, Portál, Praha, 2002. ISBN 80-717-8553-9..
Wedlichová, I. Emoční inteligence a její využití v pedagogické praxi, UJEP, UL 2003.
WEDLICHOVÁ, I. Emoční inteligence. PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7414-347-2..