Lecture topics: 1st consultation: Use of didactic methods to support student motivation. Work with student motivation. Modern didactic methods and their use in practice. 2nd consultation: New skills for the 21st century in the context of nursing education. Critical thinking, working with sources, simulation teaching, role playing, etc. 3rd consultation: The use of technology in the teaching of nursing and related fields and subjects, such as first aid, nursing procedures, nursing theory, history of nursing, health education, psychology, pedagogy and education. Seminar topics: 4th consultation: Technology in teaching, their use and practical training. Self-study: Integrating new skills for the 21st century into modern nursing education.
Nursing didactics is based on the principles and findings from general didactics. It is the basis of a teacher's professional and value orientation. Course acquaints students with methods, forms, structuring and educational processes at medical schools. The course deals with the system of medical education, its structure, functions, tasks, goals, forms of study, legislation, professional teacher personalities, ethics and morality. The course also introduces students to pedagogical documents - class book, class report, syllabus, curriculum, etc. The aim of the subject is to educate and raise a future teacher of nursing subjects and practical teaching, who will have sufficient theoretical knowledge, as well as the necessary practical skills, including communication skills, and of course also the necessary ethical education. Part of the preparation of the future nursing teacher of work with sources, preparation of teaching that corresponds to new skills for the 21st century and work with pupils' motivation. The student will be part of the teaching simulation, and practice teaching in a difficult situations that correspond to the reality of teaching practice.
Expertise: The student knows the content of the nursing curriculum at medical schools, as well as the content of other healthcare subjects that include practical teaching (e.g. a subject focusing on nursing procedures, etc.). Professional skills: The student can prepare lessons according to the topic and the corresponding target group of pupils. The student can apply effective methods and forms of teaching in nursing subjects. The student can analyze the curriculum of the nursing subject from a didactic point of view. The student is able to independently solve didactic problems. The student can justify his own didactic decisions. The student is able to analyze the experience gained through teaching practice at secondary school. The student can describe and orient himself in pedagogical documents, in relation to nursing subjects. The student can describe alternative didactic concepts and innovations in connection with the above-mentioned subjects. General qualifications: The student is able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge while studying other professional subjects and apply them during practice. The student is able to clearly and convincingly communicate his own professional opinions to the students of the secondary medical school.
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