Chrásková Jana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture Topics: The First Consultation: introduction to pedagogy and didactics as a science, pedagogical principles and the principles of education, conceptions, objectives, functions of education, alternative education methods, evaluation of the educational process, methods and principles of primary, secondary and tertiary education. The Second Consultation: Connection between the educational process and nursing process, The role of a nurse-educator, nurse's competencies in the education of patients and clients. Seminar Topics: The First Consultation: Methodology of the educational process created for a particular patient, documentating the educational process, Patient´s educational needs, educational history, educational planning: forms and means. The Second Consultation: Creating and realising educational sessions, assessing the effectiveness of education, Creating educational materials and the choice of educational methods for the primary, secondary and tertiary purposes. Self-study: Individual self-study means some part of the content which is mentioned in the syllabus should be read by students. Such non-contact part of the program is controlled by the teacher; students should go through the list of the basic study literature. The feedback takes the form of individual or group consultations for students supervised by the teacher and through the consultation focused on seminar papers where the teacher having a direct contact with students controls how they understand the material and how they are ready to further studies. The university information system allows the contact and the records of interim study results; it is also an official proof of program requirement fulfillment. Self-study is a prerequisite for granting a credit.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is designed as a theoretically-practical unit and it is focused on acquiring basic knowledge of pedagogy and didactics. In connection with the nursing process and applying the knowledge of clinical disciplines students will learn how to use teaching methods and procedures for educating an individual, family and community in the care of their own health and disease prevention. Students learn how to use educational process in accordance with the nursing process. They learn how to create and realise an educational program on the basis of the educational history and perform the evaluation of the educational process.
Subject Knowledge: Students can explain the concepts and relationships between educational process and nursing process, explain and define primary, secondary and tertiary education, name nurse's competencies in education and explain the role of a nurse as an education provider, define pedagogical principles and training / education, define the concepts, objectives and functions of education, explain the terms of educational process evaluation, alternative educational methods, explain the specifics of education for seniors, children and people with special needs Professional Skills: Students can plan the educational process for a particular patient, develop educational history, identify and determine the educational needs of the patient, create and realise an educational session using appropriate educational methods regarding the patient's condition, evaluate the effectiveness and results of the educational process / carry out evaluation, for primary, secondary and tertiary educational purposes create educational materials and methods of education, maintain documentation of the educational process
Assessment methods and criteria
The requirement for the credit is 90% participation in seminars and submitting the essay where the students will model some educational process for a patient while demonstrating the ability of theoretical knowledge processing from the field of didactics and pedagogy applied to the education in nursing. The subject is finished with an oral exam.
Recommended literature
ČELEDOVÁ L., ČEVELA R. Výchova ke zdraví: vybrané kapitoly. Praha: GRADA, 2010. 128 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3213-8.
DYTRTOVÁ, R., KRHUTOVÁ, M. Učitel. Příprava na profesi. Praha: Grada, 2009..
CHRASTINA J., MAREČKOVÁ J. Edukace klientů k provádění testů k detekci okultního krvácení do stolice. Interní medicína pro praxi. 2009, roč. 11, č. 11, s. 524-526. ISSN 1803-5256..
JANIŠ, K., KRAUS, B., VACEK, P. Kapitoly ze základů pedagogiky. 2. vydání. Hradec Králové, Gaudeamus, 2005..
JUŘENÍKOVÁ P. Zásady edukace v ošetřovatelské praxi. Praha: GRADA, 2010. 80 s. ISBN 978-80-247-2171-2..
KUBEROVÁ, H. Didaktika ošetřovatelství. Portál: Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7367-684-1.
MAGUROVÁ D., MAJERNÍKOVÁ L. Edukácia a edukační proces v ošetřovateľstve. Martin: Osveta, 2009, 155 s. ISBN 978-80-8063-326-4.
MACHOVÁ J., KUBÁTOVÁ D. Výchova ke zdraví. Praha: GRADA, 2009. 296 s. ISBN 978-80-247-2715-8..
MAREŠ, J., ČÁP, J. Psychologie pro učitele. Praha: Portál, 2001. ISBN 80-7178-463-X..
POKORNÁ, A. Komunikace se seniory. Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3271-8..
PRŮCHA, J. Moderní pedagogika. Praha: Portál, 2005. ISBN 80-7367-047-X.
SEIFERT, B. et kol. Primární péče, praktické lékařství Praha Karolinum 2004 ISBN 80-246-0883-9.
SKALKOVÁ, J. Obecná didaktika. Praha: Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1821-7.
SVĚRÁKOVÁ, M. Edukační činnost sestry. Úvod do problematiky.. Praha: Galén. ISBN 978-80-7262-845-2.
ŠKRLA, P., ŠKRLOVÁ, M. Kreativní ošetřovatelský management. Praha: Advent-Orion, 2003. ISBN 80-7172-841-1..
VORLÍČEK J., ABRAHÁMOVÁ J., VORLÍČKOVÁ H. Klinická onkologie pro sestry. Praha: GRADA, 2006. 328 s. ISBN 80-247-1716-6..
ZÁVODNÁ, V. Pedagogika v ošetrovatelstve. 2. vyd. Martin: Osveta, 2005. 2005. ISBN 80-8063-183-X.