Šulcová Margareta, prof. MUDr. CSc.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. week: Health, aspects of health, determinants of health, protection and support of health, prevention of diseases 2. week: International documents about protection and support of health, health 21 3. week: Public health care: the focus, content, segments, realization in training 4. week: Epidemiology of infectious diseases: general issues; epidemiological measures 5. week: Groups of infections based on transmission and the examples of infections 6. week: Environment and health; preventive health protecting measures 7. week: Work environment and health; health protection 8. week: Epidemiology of chronical diseases and their prevention 9. week: Hygiene in medical facilities; nosocomial infections and their prevention 10. week: Health education: goals, methods and forms 11. week: The activities of a a nurse in health education sector Seminar Topics: 1. week: Questionnaire 2. week: Intervention program 3. week: Team work 4. week: Information: a medical-education flyer/leaflet on the topic 5. week: Personal hygiene and hand washing of a medical staff 6. week: Laundry operations in a medical facility 7. week: Dealing with garbage/trash in a medical facility 8. week: Health risks evaluation, categorization of work and health protection of a medical staff 9. week: Disinfection and sterilization 10. week: Presentation of seminar projects 11. week: Presentation of seminar projects
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Subject is a thematic unit providing the students with some basic knowledge from the fields of epidemiology, hygiene, health education, which are an important part of public health care, knowledge necessary for protection and support of public health, for understanding the connections between clinical and preventive medicine and health care, for prevention of professional injuries of medical staff and nosocomial infections.
Subject knowledge: Students will get the knowledge about the relationship and influence of the environment on the people, how it negatively and positively affects their health; as well as the measures of health protection. They will know basic hygiene of the environment, nutrition, working condition effects on a medical staff with the focus on health care and preventive measures; they will know the causes and prevention of nosocomial infections; they have theoretical knowledge of health education, methods and forms of work with individuals and communities. Professional skills: Students will create a questionnaire to find out the knowledge, opinions, medical state of patients - clients, they know how to create intervention program focused on terminating or lowering risk factors threatening health in primary, secondary, tertiary health education (non-smoking - addiction treatment, healthy diet, addiction prevention, movement, attendance to preventive medical checks, healthy parenting, prevention of sexually transmissive diseases, etc.) Students are able to describe causes of nosocomial infections and know procedures of prevention, know correct procedures of hand washing, disinfection and sterilization, the rules of health protection of a medical staff.
Assessment methods and criteria
Obligatory lacture attendance, passing the test with a minimum of 75% points, creating and presenting a seminar project: intervention program
Recommended literature
časopis Česká a slovenská hygiena.
časopis Sestra.
JANEČKOVÁ, H., HNILICOVÁ, H. Úvod do veřejného zdravotnictví. Praha: Portál ,2009.294s.ISBN 978-80-7367-592-9.
LEMON. Learning Material on Nursing - učební texty pro sestry a porodní asistentky.. Copenhagen. ISBN 80-7013-248-5.
MAREŠ, J. HODAČOVÁ, L., BÝMA, S. Vybrané kapitoly ze sociálního lékařství I. 2. vyd. 2009. ISBN 978- 80-246-1622-2. Praha, 2009. ISBN 978- 80-246-1622-.
MARTINÍK, K. Výchova ke zdraví a zdravému životnímu stylu. I. díl, Ovlivnění zdravotního stavu výživou. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2007. 103s. ISBN 978-80-7041-920-5.
MARTINÍK, K. Výchova ke zdraví a zdravému životnímu stylu. II. díl, Ovlivnění zdravotního stavu dětí a dospívajících výživou. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2007. 96s. ISBN 978-80-7041-944-1.
MARTINÍK, K. Výchova ke zdraví a zdravému životnímu stylu. III. díl, Ovlivnění zdravotního stavu výživou ve stáří. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2007. 97s. ISBN 978-80-7041-141-4.
MARTINÍK, K. Výchova ke zdraví a zdravému životnímu stylu. IV. díl, Ovlivnění civilizačních nemocí výživou. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2007. 80s. ISBN 978-80-7041-177-3.
MATINÍK, K. Výchova ke zdraví a zdravému životnímu stylu. VI. díl, Ovlivnění obezity a nadváhy výživou. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2007. 273s. ISBN 978-80-7041-106-3.
TUČEK, M. a kol. Hygiena a epidemiologie pro bakaláře. Praha: UK, Karolinum, 2012, ISBN 978-80-246-2136-4.. Praha: Karolinum, 2012. ISBN 978-80-246-2136-4.