Seminar Topics: 1. week: Sexual and reproduction health in the Czech Republic, the comparison of European countries, health 21. 2. week: The content and importance of sexual and reproduction education. 3. week: Sexual education in a child's age, hygienic habits, prevention of molesting. Education supporting sexual and reproduction health during the school age period. 4. week: Education supporting sexual and reproduction health during the school age period. 5. week: Education supporting sexual and reproduction health in adolescence and young adulthood, the sexuality in an old age. 6. week: The hygiene of a sexual life. Anticonception. 7. week: Sexual disorders among men and women.
The subject is theoretically-practical. It teaches the students the philosophy of health of an individual and family. It highlights one of the basic functions of a birth assistant in the society, which is educational activity supporting health, planned parenthood, prevention of diseases and potential complications. It prepares the students for one of the basic competencies, which consists of sexual education, supporting responsible partnership and parenthood. It informs about methods and procedures of sexual education regarding the differences between individual age groups. Students will create some educational topics for certain age periods.
Subject Knowledge: the current state of sexual and reproduction health in Czech Republic the importance and development of sexuality of an individual from an ontogenetical point of view the methods of education supporting planned parenthood regarding the age of the educated knowledge of reproduction and sexual rights of women and men the issues of anticonception Professional Skills: Student is practically able to prepare and plan a project of a lecture/workshop on a topic of reproduction and sexual health of a selected community He has practical experience with lecturing on the topic of reproduction health
DONÁT, J., DONÁTOVÁ, N. Důvěrně a otevřeně o sexualitě.Praha: Fortuna, 2007. 2007. ISBN 978-80-7169-990-4.
FAIT, T. Antikoncepce.. Praha: Maxdorf, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7345-172-1.
FAIT, T. Přechodem bez obav.. Praha: Maxdorf, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7345-219-3.
FAIT, T. ŠULOVÁ, L. WEIS, P. Výchova k sexuálně reprodukčnímu zdraví.. Praha: Maxdorf, 2008. ISBN 97-88-07345-238-4.
FENDRICH, Z. Moderní metody plánovaného rodičovství. Praha: Printon, 1995. 1995. ISBN 80-901933-0-7.
HORNEYOVÁ, K. Ženská psychologie. Praha: Triton, 2004. 2004. ISBN 80-7254-501-9.
KUŽELOVÁ, M. Co by měla sestra vědě o antikoncepci. Praha: Levret s.r.o, 2005. 2005. ISBN 80-903183-7-1.
PETROVIČOVÁ, J., ŽIRKOVIČ, D. Co mám vědět o sexu-po pravdě a bez ostychu. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 2003. ISBN 80-253-0042-0..
ŠULOVÁ, L. Jak učit výchovu k manželství a rodičovství? Praha: Grada Publishing, 1997. 1997. ISBN 80-7169-218-2.
TÄUBNER, V. Metodika sexuální výchovy. Praha: Fortuna, 1997. 1997. ISBN 80-7168-403-1.
UZEL, R. 4000 let antikoncepce. Praha, 2003. 2003. ISBN 80-239-0671-2.