Course content
Lecture Topics: The First Consultation: Introduction, basic terminology. Positioning: indication and goals, the principles of handling the patient. The Second Consultation: Rehabilitation nursing: its specifics, the indication areas of internal medicine, pediatrics, geriatrics. The Third Consultation: Rehabilitation nursing: its specifics, the indication areas of neurology, traumatology. Seminar Topics: The First Consultation: Introduction and basic movement elements, hospital wards and equipment: ergonomics. Passive and active movement, fitness training. The Second Consultation: Positioning, vascular gymnastics, basic types of respiratory physiotherapy, mobility, postural function retraining, facilities. The Third Consultation: Economy and efficiency of movement while handling the patient, the elements of healthy back system Self-Study: Medical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, educational rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, the types of rehabilitation facilities. Care after the airways and after the overall fitness, prevention of thromboembolic diseases, verticalization, immobilization syndrome, psychological aspect.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is designed as a theoretically - practical unit. It is a part of the set of subjects in the field of nursing procedures. Students will study basic principles of rehabilitation processes within a system approach to nursing care. The teaching method is to incorporate the principles of rehabilitation in nursing procedures in order to improve the quality of the patient's care.
Subject Knowledge: Students know basic terminology and they can explain the principles of positioning, they can name the devices for positioning and verticalization, describe the problems of immobilization syndrome, including preventive measures. Professional Skills: Students can perform required positioning process according to the individual's needs. They know indication areas; they develop basic therapeutic skills within physiotherapy intervention. They can work together in a multidisciplinary care team.
Achieved requirements of subject with nursing themes in previous terms
Assessment methods and criteria
Active seminar participation, the demonstration of practical skills, an oral exam.
Recommended literature
HALADOVÁ, E. Léčebná tělesná výchova - cvičení. 1.vyd. Brno: IDVZP, 135 s.ISBN 80-7013-236-1. 1997.
KLUSOŇOVÁ, E., PITNEROVÁ, J. Rehabilitační ošetřování pacientů s těžkými poruchami hybnosti: (určeno zdravotním sestrám). 2. vyd. Bmo: NCONZO, 2005. 117 s. ISBN 80-701-3423-2..
KOLÁŘ, P. et al. Rehabilitace v klinické praxi. 1.vyd. Praha: Galén, s.r.o., 2009. 713s. ISBN 978-80-7262-657-1.
KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Léčebná rehabilitace. 1. vyd., Jinočany : H+H, 1994..
KRISTINÍKOVÁ, J. Rehabilitace v ošetřovatelství. Ostrava: OU ZSF, 2006. 59s. ISBN 80-7368-224-9..
MÁDLOVÁ, I. Příručka pro ošetřování pacienta s cévní mozkovou příhodou. ČAS..
RAŠEV, E. Škola zad. DIREKTA, 1992..
STAŇKOVÁ, M. Hodnocení a měřící techniky v ošetřovatelské praxi. 1. vyd., Brno: IDV PZ, 2001. ISBN 80-7013-323-6. ISBN 80-7013-323-6.
TRACHTOVÁ, E. Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu. 2.vyd., Brno: IDV PZ, 2001. ISBN 80-7013-324-4.
VAŇÁSKOVÁ, E. Testování v rehabilitační praxi - cévní mozkové příhody.1.vyd.Brno:NCO NZO,2004.s65.. 2004. ISBN 8070133988.
WESTERKAMP, R., MATERNA, A. Zdravá a pružná záda: cviky na posílení a uvolnění zad, na zmírnění bolestí, sestavy při chronických potížích s krční a bederní páteří, speciální programy pro děti a seniory, škola zad v době těhotenství, správné sezení. Praha: Ikar, 2007. 143s. ISBN 978-80-249-0929-5..