Course content
1. week: Demographical aspects of population ageing. The definition of an old age, ageing, classification, characteristics of geriatry and gerontology. 2 hours 2. week: The theory of ageing. Physical, psychological and social changes in old age. 2 hours 3. week: Diseases pecularities in an old age, non-typical symptoms of diseases. Most common diseases of a higher age. 2 hours 4. week: Medical, nursing and social care after the elderly in the Czech Republic. The development of the care after the elderly in the Czech Republic and the world. 2 hours 5. week: Individual needs of the elderly and their satisfaction. Age discrimination. Ethical aspects in a care after the elderly. 2 hours 6. week: The elderly: communication models. Sexuality of the the elderly. 2 hours 7. week: Dying and death psychology. 2 hours Seminar Topics: 1. week: Health care peculiarities considering the elderly in home environment, health improvement and support. 2 hours 2. week: Health care peculiarities considering the elderly in a medical facility: acute care. 2 hours 3. week: Health care peculiarities considering the elderly in a social care facility. 2 hours 4. week: Health care after immobile elderly. Immobilization syndrome. The issues of urine and stool incontinence. 2 hours 5. week: Health care after the elderly suffering delirium, dementia and depression. 2 hours 6. week: Health care after the elderly suffering oncological diseases and terminal state of a disease. 2 hours 7. week: Controlling week. The summary of the peculiarities considering the elderly in the nursing process. Test. 2 hours
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is theoretically-practical and it is a part of the complex set of clinical health care subjects. It introduces the student with involution changes, medical state and most common clinical states of the higher age. The focus is put on the peculiarities of individual needs of the elderly for health care.
Subject Knowledge: Student is able to define an old age, ageing and the fields of geriatrics; he can describe the theory of ageing and health care peculiarities when dealing with the elderly considering holistic approach. Student is able to describe health care system for the elderly in the Czech Republic. Professional skills: Student is able to create the plan of caring after the elderly in different situations requiring such a care.
Achievement of Nursing I., II., Nursing Techniques I., II., III. Requirements.
Assessment methods and criteria
Min. 80% seminar attendance, a written case study, a final test with a min. of 75% passed points.
Recommended literature
KALVACH, Z. ET AL. Křehký pacient a primární péče.. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-4026-3.
NÉMETH, F. ET AL. Geriatria a geriatrické ošetrovateľstvo. Martin, 2009. ISBN 978-80-8063-314-1.
POKORNÁ, SCHULER, M. a OSTER, P. Geriatrie od A do Z pro sestry. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3013-4. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3013-4.
TÍSŇOVÁ PÉČE AEÍRON. Dostupné z: http://www.zivot90.cz/4-socialni-sluzby/10-tisnova-pece-areion. 2001.
VĚKOVÁ SKLADBA OBYVETELSTVA V ROCE 2066. Dostupné z: http://www.czso.cz/csu/redakce.nsf/i/vekova_skladba_obyvatelstva_v_roce_2066. 2013.
VORLÍČEK, J., ABRAHÁMOVÁ, J., VORLÍČKOVÁ, H. ET AL. Klinická onkologie pro sestry. 2. přepracované vydání.. Praha, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-3742-3.
WEBER, P. a KUBEŠOVÁ, H. Geriatrie. In: SOUČEK, M. a kol. Vnitřní lékařství. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-2110-1.