Sláma Karel, MUDr.
Bursa Patrik, MUDr.
Abrahamová Petra, Mgr.
Course content
Lecture Topics: (2 hours / week) 1. Introduction to ORL, history of the field. 2. Basics of ear, nose, throat anatomy. 3. Examination and imaging methods in ORL. 4. General ORL. 5. Special ORL. Traumatology in ORL. 6. Fundamentals of phoniatry in ORL. Surgical procedures in ORL.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is designed as theoretical and practical. It complements medical knowledge in the field of clinical nursing. It particularly emphasizes prevention, especially in the care of hearing and preventing serious damage to the hearing system. Students are introduced to clinical manifestations in terms of nursing care and the needs of patients altered in connection with hearing disorders. It acquaints students with the provision of care in a multidisciplinary team for patients with hearing impairment in inpatient and non-inpatient health facilities.
Expertise: Students will acquire a basic overview of diseases of the ear, throat and nose, where the anatomy, physiology, diagnostic-therapeutic process and nursing process in patients of all ages intertwine. The scope of teaching is only a general one and is a guide for students to further study the issue. Professional skills: Students will be acquainted with the problems of work at the Clinic of ORL and Head and Neck Surgery of the Masaryk Hospital, KZ a.s. in the area of children and adults, students are able to describe examination and imaging methods, assess the patient's condition in the perioperative period in children and adults, learn the principles of preoperative, interoperable and postoperative care of patients of all ages, incl. Students will manage the education of patients of the most common clinical diseases occurring in the field of ORL and acute conditions.
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit test.
Recommended literature
ASTL, J.. Otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku pro bakaláře. Praha Karolinum. 2012. 138s. ISBN 9788024620534.
DLOUHÁ, O., VOKŘÁL, J. Novinky ve foniatrii a audiologii. Praha. Galen. Karolinum. 2007. 90s. ISBN 978-80-7262-516.1.
HAHN, A.. Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie v současné praxi. Praha. Grada 2007. 392s. ISBN 978-80-247-0529-3.
HYBÁŠEK, I., VOKURKA, J.. Otorinolaryngologie. Praha. Galen. Karolinum. 2006. 426s. ISBN 80-246-1019-1.
MAZÁNEK, J. Traumatologie orofaciální oblasti. Praha. Grada 2007. 180s. ISBN 978-80-247-1444-8.
PLZÁK, J. a kol. ORL pro všeobecné praktické lékaře. Praha. Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe, s.r.o. 2011. 148s. ISBN 978-8086-30-790-9.