Framework scope of practice: - Determining a nursing care plan for a sick child with a specific medical diagnosis. - Collection of biological material, including invasive sampling. - Administration of medications per os. - Administration of injections (intradermal, subcutaneous, intravenous, intramuscular). - Provision of peripheral venous access. - Assisting in securing central venous accesses. - Assisting in the preparation and administration of infusions, transfusions. - Assisting patients with drainage, drainage systems, care of pediatric wound patients, wound dressings, preparation of sterile tables, assisting with special examinations. - Assisting with dressings. - Assisting with insertion of gastric and duodenal probes. - Assisting with patient puncture. - Care of stoma patients, care of chronic wounds, including decubitus. - Monitoring physiological needs, measuring oxygen saturation. - Preparation of the patient for surgery, care of the child after surgery. - Preparation of aids for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. - Monitoring of paediatric patients using standardised measurement techniques. - Receipt, control and storage of medicines.
The practice is focused on inpatient and outpatient care. Students will learn about the structure of inpatient health care provision and specialist departments. They will also learn about the departments where follow-up or palliative care is provided. Through practice, they will deepen their ability to assess the environment to meet the needs of the individual and improve their ability to assess individual health status and patient needs from a nursing perspective.
Expertise: The student demonstrates knowledge of nursing practice and nursing theory that can be applied in practice through nursing plans and nursing interventions. The list of departments accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, with which the Faculty of Nursing has a contractual relationship, is given in Table B-IV. Professional skills: The student is able to implement nursing care using the nursing process method, is able to work with medical documentation and is a valid member of the health care team. General competencies: The student is able to apply theoretical knowledge and manual skills in natural settings, and is able to communicate with the client and members of the health care team.
FENDRYCHOVÁ, J. Základní ošetřovatelské postupy v péči o novorozence: vybrané kapitoly. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3940-3.. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3940-3.
NANDA Internacional. Ošetřovatelské diagnózy. Definice a klasifikace 2015-2017. 10 vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing. a.s. 2015. ISBN: E-kniha.
PLEVOVÁ, I. Ošetřovatelství I. 2. přepracované a doplněné vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing. a.s. 2018. ISBN: 978-80-271-0888-6. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3558-0.
POKORNÁ, A., MRÁZOVÁ, R. Kompendium hojení ran pro sestry. Praha, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-3371-5.
SEDLÁŘOVÁ, P. et al. 2008. Základní ošetřovatelská péče v pediatrii. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s. 248 s. ISBN - 978-80-247-1613-8.. ISBN 978-80-247-1613-8.
SIKOROVÁ, L. Potřeby dítěte v ošetřovatelském procesu Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3593-1.
VACUŠKOVÁ, M. et al. Vybrané kapitoly z ošetřovatelské péče v pediatrii. Brno: NCO NZO. 225 s. 2009. ISBN - 978-80-7013-491-7.
VÁGNEROVÁ, M. Vývojová psychologie: dětství a dospívání. Vyd. 2., dopl. a přeprac. Praha: Karolinum, 2012. ISBN 978-80-246-2153-1. Praha: Portál, 2000. ISBN 80-7178-308-0.
VYTEJČKOVÁ, R., a kol. Ošetřovatelské postupy v péči o nemocné I. Obecná část. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011, 232 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3419-4.. ISBN 978-80-247-3419-4.
VYTEJČKOVÁ, R., a kol. Ošetřovatelské postupy v péči o nemocné II. Speciální část. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2013, 288 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3420-0.. ISBN 978-80-247-3420-0.
VYTEJČKOVÁ, R., a kol. Ošetřovatelské postupy v péči o nemocné III. Speciální část. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015, 303 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3421-7.. ISBN 978-80-247-3421-7.
ZACHAROVÁ, E. Zdravotnická psychologie. Praha: Grada Publishing. a.s. 2017. ISBN: 978-80-271-0155-9. Brno, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7399-285-9.