The course is conceived as a theoretical and practical unit that provides the basics of neonatology to obtain a comprehensive view of the growth and development of healthy and sick newborns, including issues of therapeutic and preventive care. The student will be able to implement the first treatment of the newborn and follow-up care in the neonatal unit. The student will be able to identify basic and commonly encountered pathologies in neonatology, understand the principles of basic neonatal care and basic interpretation of some laboratory and imaging tests in neonatology. This will enable students to effectively implement nursing care and specific care in relation to the neonate and its parents.
Expertise: The student can define a physiological newborn, can describe in detail the difference between a physiological and a pathological newborn, can assess the condition of a newborn using various assessment scales suitable for newborns, can list the advantages of breastfeeding, explain the principles, advantages and methods of oxygen therapy, is familiar with the current legislation in maternal and child care, can describe the rules and principles of providing resuscitation to a newborn. Professional skills: The student can perform basic nursing procedures in the newborn (first treatment of the newborn, resuscitation of the newborn), can assess the adaptation of the newborn, initiate early and quality resuscitation of the newborn, choose appropriate scaling techniques in the newborn. General competencies: The student is able to communicate clearly and persuasively to the woman the nature of professional problems and propose solutions.
FENDRYCHOVÁ, J., BOREK, I. et al. 2012. Intenzivní péče o novorozence. 2. vyd. Brno: NCO NZO. ISBN 978-80-7013-547-1. ISBN 978-80-7013-547-1.
LEBL, J., JANDA, J., POHUNEK, P., STARÝ, J. et al.. Klinická pediatrie. 2. vyd. Praha: Galén. 698 s. 2014. ISBN 978-80-7492-131-5.
MITROVÁ, K., BRONSKÝ, K.. Vědecké důkazy o prospěšnosti výživy mateřským mlékem. Česko-slovenská pediatrie. 69(1), 39-46. 2014. ISSN 0069-2328.
MYDLILOVÁ, A., 2013. Kojení donošených novorozenců. Česká gynekologie: Doporučené postupy v neonatologii. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně. 76 (1), 95-97. ISSN 1210-7832..
POKORNÁ, A., KAMENÍKOVÁ, M., DVOŘÁKOVÁ, V., 2016. Možnosti podpory kojení (laktačního poradenství) z pohledu laické i odborné veřejnosti. Pediatrie pro praxi. 17(5), 313-317. ISSN 1803-5264.
STRAŇÁK, Z., CHRÁSKOVÁ, J., LAMPLOTOVÁ, L., 2014. Základy neonatologie pro porodní asistentky. Ústí nad Labem: FZS Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem. ISBN 978-80-7414-727-2. ISBN 978-80-7414-727-2.
STRAŇÁK, Z., JANOTA, J. 2015. Neonatologie. Praha: MF. ISBN 978-80-204-3861-4. ISBN 978-80-204-3861-4.
WHO. Infant and Young Child Nutrition: Global Strategy on infant and young child feeding. ? 2014. [online].[cit. 8. 9. 2016]. Dostupné z: topics/global_strategy/en/.