The subject includes teaching a foreign language with a focus on professional language in the field of healthcare. The goal is mastery of work, reading, understanding of a foreign language professional text, being able to navigate the domestic and foreign professional media offer and being able to communicate in a foreign language professional environment.
Expertise: The student can describe the human body, can characterize first aid equipment, can suggest and discuss a treatment procedure. Professional Skills: Students can communicate in German within their area of expertise. General competences: The student is able to communicate their own professional opinions in German to professionals and the general public in a clear and convincing manner.
BÖCK, M., ROEHRER, H. Kommunikation im Krankenhaus B1/B2, Klett Verlag, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-12-605162-0.
BÖCK, M., ROHRER, H. Deutsch B1/B2 in der Pflege, Elsevier, München, 2015 ISBN: 978-3-437-25001-9..
DUSILOVÁ, D., KOLOCOVÁ, D. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: učebnice němčiny pro zdravotnické obory. 1. vydání. Praha: Polyglot, 2004. ISBN 80-86195-33-3..
KÁBRT, J., MOKROŠOVÁ, I. Lékařský slovník německo-český, česko-německý. 1. vyd. Praha: Avicenum, 1989. 585 s.
SCHRIMPF-BECHERER - OTTO. Deutsch für Pflegekräfte, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-662-52966-9.
WOGATZE-ZEIGER, A. und kol. Fokus Deutsch -Erfolgreich in Pflegeberufen, Cornelsen Verlag, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-06-021305-4.