Lecture topics: 1. E-catalog of UJEP Science Library, Medvik Database, NursingOvid, SCOPUS, Web of Science (open access, impact factor). 2. Selected examples of clinical trials and studies. Questionnaires - standardized questionnaires, pilot survey. 3. Introduction to statistical surveys: Population and selection, statistical quantities, ways of their description. 4. Specific descriptive techniques (multiple responses, Likert scale, time series - morbidity indicators). 5. Introduction to data analysis: population parameters, Gaussian curve, statistical hypotheses, significance level. 6. Paired versus two-sample design, corresponding parametric statistical tests. 7. Statistical dependence testing, simple linear regression and correlation principle. Seminar topics: 1. Search in databases available at UJEP. 2. Clinicaltrials.gov. Excel - principles for translating questionnaires into electronic form. 3. Excel - frequencies, pivot table, bar and pie graph. 4. Excel - work with time series from IHIS database, standardization of indicators, line graph. 5. Excel - quantile and moment characteristics, boxplot. 6. Excel - paired and two-sample t-test (F-test). 7. Excel - chi-square independence test, linear regression.
Clinicaltrials.gov: Databáze U. S. National Library of Medicine..
Medvik: https://www.medvik.cz/bmc..
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com.
Web of Science: https://webofknowledge.com.
HRACH, K., 2011. Základy biostatistiky s využitím Excelu. Ústí n. L.: UJEP. 48 s. ISBN 978-80-7414-398-4.. ISBN 978-80-7414-398-4.
JELÍNEK, M. et al. Jak psát závěrečné práce na FZS UJEP. Ústí n. L.: UJEP, 2018. 36 s. ISBN 978-80-7561-118-5.
WALKER, I. Výzkumné metody a statistika. Vyd. 1. Praha: Grada, 2013. 218 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3920-5.