Lecture Topics: The First Consultation: Basic terminology in a multicultural environment (multicuturalism, transculturalism, ethnocentrism, cultural shock) Ethical aspects of providing the care while respecting cultural differences The Second Consultation: Legislation governing the legal status of minorities in the Czech Republic Seminar Topics: The First Consultation: Definition of cultural competence in nursing Transcultural nursing theory Specifics of communication in transcultural nursing The Second Consultation: Nursing process in the context of transcultural nursing Specifics of the educational activities of nurses with the patients of different cultures, ethnicity Spirituality, religion and spiritual needs of patients of different cultures, ethnicity Methods of investigation in transcultural nursing Self-Study: Health systems and health care for foreigners in the Czech Republic National, ethnic and cultural minorities in the Czech Republic
The course introduces the issue of population migration and its consequences for migrants and the majority population. It introduces the phenomena which encounter the migrants: a culture shock, an integration block, overcoming language barriers, worsening employment conditions, poor economic situation of families and the distress due to racist and xenophobic processes. This situation is viewed comprehensively in relation to health and health risks regarding majority population. The course also deals with the issue of treating gypsy population. It introduces the concepts: spirituality, religion and spiritual needs of the patients from different cultures.
Subject Knowledge: Students are familiar with the basic conceptual apparatus of multiculturalism, they know the legislation regulating foreigners and minorities living in the Czech Republic, they understand the problems of integration of foreigners and ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic; they have the knowledge about the specifics of behavior, feelings and expressions of minorities and foreigners. Professional Skills: Students gain practical skills in communicating with foreigners and the members of minority groups. Students are able to explain the theory of Leininger in transcultural nursing while managing to adjust the phases of the nursing process in the context of transcultural nursing; they acquire the skills of specific education of minorities, foreigners, they know and they are able to perform basic nursing research among the minorities and foreigners.
BENEDICTOVÁ, R. Kulturní vzorce.. Praha: Argo, 1999. ISBN 80-7203-212-7.
IVANOVÁ,K., aj. Multikulturní ošetřovatelství I. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2005, 248 s.. 2005. ISBN 80-247-1212-1.
PRŮCHA, J. Interkulturní psychologie.. Praha: Portál, 2004. ISBN 80-7178-885-6.
ŠPIRUDOVÁ, L., aj. Multikulturní ošetřovatelství II. Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1213-X.
ŠPIRUDOVÁ, L., BURSOVÁ, J., TOMANOVÁ, D., PRUCHOVÁ, E. Multikulturní ošetřovatelství ve vzdělávacím procesu na SZŠ a VZŠ. Olomouc: PF a LF, 2002..
TOMANOVÁ, D., BURSOVÁ, J. Překonávání komunikačních a kulturních bariér při péči o pacienty odlišných etnik a kultur, Olomouc, LF UP Olomouc, 2003.
VOJTÍŠEK, Z. Encyklopedie náboženských směrů v České republice: náboženství, církve, sekty, duchovní společenství, vydání 1., Praha, Portál, 2004. 2004. ISBN 80-7178-798-1.