The subject is an integral part of medical training. It introduces to the area of knowledge of specifics and communication with members of minorities and migrants in the healthcare environment in providing culturally identical nursing care. It describes the basic technical terms that define a multicultural environment and explain possible problems and conflicts that arise in it. It introduces the issue of migration and immigration in the Czech Republic, changes in the atmosphere and attitudes towards migrants within the majority. It introduces the phases of cultural shock when moving an individual to a different culture. It provides a description of models that can be used to identify the needs of sick members of minorities and ethnicities, and informs about the differences between selected nationalities and cultures that live in the Czech Republic.
Expertise: The student is familiar with the basic terminology in the field of transcultural care, defines the phases of cultural shock, understands methods of research in the transcultural environment. He / she knows scientific approaches to research of minorities and minorities. They understand the content of the concepts of cultural tolerance and cultural consideration. Can explain models of culturally considerate care. He understands that providing culturally respectful care is not providing above-standard care to individuals of other nationalities and cultures. Professional skills: The student is able to apply models for providing culturally friendly care to minorities in the nursing process, using the acquired knowledge in obtaining information about patients and care for them. Can communicate with members of minorities and ethnicities with regard to their differences. They will acquire the ability to argue with the lay and professional public about the issue of transcultural diversity in nursing care. He / she is able to apply in practice his / her knowledge of customs, cultural and communication differences of foreigner and ethnic communities.
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