Course content
Topics of lectures: 1. Communication - definition, function of communication, effective communication, levels of communication; 2. Communication - communication styles, methods of communication, types of communication; 3. Communication obstacles, barriers in communication; 4. Non-verbal communication - definition, meaning of non-verbal expressions in the work of a nurse. 5. Verbal communication - definition, basic functions, basis of rhetoric. 6. Verbal communication - speeches, division, definition of spoken and written expression; 7. Communication in healthcare. Seminar topics: 1. Empathy in the work of a nurse; 2. Assertiveness, ways of coping with conflict situations; 3. Specifics of medical communication. 4. Specifics of medical communication. 5. Specifics of medical communication. 6. Specifics of medical communication. 7. Specifics of medical communication.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject Communication I. is conceived as a theoretical unit. Students will get acquainted with the basic definitions of communication, the principles of communication. Emphasis is placed on verbal and nonverbal communication as well as specifics in medical communication. It forms the basis of the professional knowledge and skills of the general nurse in establishing contact and trust of patients of different ages. The aim is to improve expression in the practical level of the profession.
Expertise: The student demonstrates knowledge of the principles of theoretical communication, is acquainted with the principles of communication with specific groups of patients. Professional skills: The student is able to name the basic problems in communication with different groups of patients. General competences: The student is able to present their ideas using the acquired communication skills in a theoretical and practical level.
Assessment methods and criteria
85% attendance at seminars, activity at seminars, credit test
Recommended literature
ADAMCZYK G. Řeč těla - Jak neverbálně působit na druhé a rozumět řeči těla. Praha: Grada. 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4592-3.
BRAUN, R. Macht der Rhetorik. Praha, Portál. 2009. ISBN: 978-80-7367-539-4.
KADLEC, J., MILLER, R. Komunikace v konfliktu. Praha: Mladá fronta. 2018. ISBN 978-80-204-4815-6..
KRISTOVÁ, J. Komunikácia v ošetrovateľstve. Martin. Osveta. 2009. ISBN 80-8063-160-3.
KROBOTOVÁ, M. Zásady písemného projevu. Distanční text. Olomouc: Centrum distančního vzdělávání UP, 2003. ISBN 80-244-0680-2.
KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Tajemství úspěšného jednání. Praha: Grada. 1995. ISBN: 80-85623-84-6.
MULLER, H.:. Myšlenkové mapy - Jak zlepšit své myšlení, paměť, koncentraci a kreativitu. Praha. Grada. 2013. ISBN: 978-80-247-5057-6.
Plamínek, J. Komunikace a prezentace - Umění mluvit, slyšet a rozumět. Praha. Grada. 2012, ISBN: 978-80-247-4484-1.
POTTS, C., POTTS, S.:. Asertivita - úmění být silný v každé situaci. Praha. Grada. 2014, ISBN: 978-80-247-5197-9.
ŠPAČKOVÁ, A. Moderní rétorika. Praha: Grada Publishing. 2003, ISBN: 978-80-247-2965-7.
VENGLÁŘOVÁ, M. et al. Komunikace pro zdravotní sestry. Praha: Grada. 2006. ISBN 80-247-1262-8.
ZACHAROVÁ, E. Komunikace v ošetřovatelské praxi. Praha: Grada. 2016. ISBN 978-80-271-0156-6.