Kubová Nela, Mgr. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
Seminar Topics: 1. week: Basic IT knowledge: information and its units, HW and SW 2. week: Working rules with the internet, browsers, DNS, viruses and anti-viruses, e-mail. 3. week: E-learning: function and types of e-learning system, approach towards e-learning at the faculty (Moodle) and other faculties with similar focus (MEFANET). 4. week: MS-Office advanced: format copying, Ctrl+H for substituting, PowerPoint (transitions betweens slides, animation application). 5. week: Word: dividing the document into sections and types of page numbering in sections, titles and generating summary, citations and generation of bibliography. 6. week: Excel: Automatic filling of sequences, anchoring of dividers , copying using the lock symbol, sorting the data using several criteria. 7. week: Excel: function =sum, selected text and logical functions, a bar chart, a pie chart, connection chart, point chart and their editing: change of the scale or of naming the axes. 8. week: General principles and trends in E-health, EHR (EPR): electronic health (patient) record, standards (HL7). 9. week: IS in health care and in hospitals (functions, examples), the principles and examples of using telemedicine.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject teaches the user's and professional approach towards informatics, information technology and the possibilities of its application in health care. It provides basis for using software, text and data processing.
Subject Knowledge: Students will know modern possibilities of using IS (information technology in general) in the field of medical and social care. They will understand and learn basic terminology related to e-health and telemedicine. Professional skills: Students are able to use information technology and common software and applications on an advanced level.
Assessment methods and criteria
Minimum 80% class participation. The credit requirement is also practical testing (the knowledge and skills of computer work )
Recommended literature
Češková M. Používáme Windows. Grada Praha 2003.
Češková M. Používáme Windows II. Grada Praha 2003.
HORÁK, J. Hardware - učebnice pro pokročilé.3.vyd.Brno:Computer press,2005.344s.. ISBN 80-251-0647-0.
KLIMEŠ, C., et al. Informatika. Nitra: Enigma, 2008, 460 s., ISBN 978-80-89132-71-3.. Nitra: Enigma, 2008. ISBN 978-80-89132-71-3.
MUNZ, J. Informační technologie ve zdravotnictví: informační systémy. Praha: ČVUT, 2011, 304 s., ISBN 978-80-01-04720-0. Praha: ČVUT, 2011. ISBN 978-80-01-04720-0.
MURRAY, K. Microsoft office XP.Jak je to snadné.1.vyd. Brno 2003. 312 s.. ISBN 80-7226-887-2.
PÍSEK, S. HTML, tvorba jednoduchých internetových stránek. 1.vyd. Praha Grada, 2001. 135 s.. ISBN 80-247-1-0094-8.
Špunda M. a kol. Zdravotnická informatika, Karolinum. 2007.
ZOUNEK, J. a kol. Internet nejen pro studenty. Praha: Grada, 2003, 104 s.. ISBN 80-247-0570-2.