Lamková Ivana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture topics: (2 hours/week) 1. Educational theory. 2. Educational models. 3. Sociocultural aspects of education. 4. Educational process. 5. Assessment in the educational process. 6. Implementation of the educational unit. 7. Organisational forms of education. Seminar topics: (3 hours/week). 1. Didactic methods. 2. Didactic aids. 3. Presentation of educational programs. 4. Presentation of educational programs. 5. Presentation of educational programs. 6. Presentation of educational programs.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course is conceived as a theoretical and practical unit, which is closely related to the subject of pedagogy and is aimed at acquiring basic knowledge about the educational impact of the pediatric nurse on children of all ages, their families and communities. Students will acquire knowledge about the conditions, processes, forms and methods of education as the basic steps of the educational process and its practical application not only with children but also with other members of the family and health care team.
Expertise: The student can explain the relationship between the educational process and the nursing process. The student is able to define primary, secondary, tertiary education and list the competencies of the pediatric nurse in the role of educator. Professional Skills: The student is able to implement the educational process with a specific patient in a real environment and is able to keep documentation of the implemented education. General competencies: Students are able to communicate their own professional opinions clearly and persuasively to professionals and the general public.
Assessment methods and criteria
presentation of your own educational program, oral examination
Recommended literature
JUŘENÍKOVÁ, P. Zásady edukace v ošetřovatelské praxi. Praha: Grada publishing. 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-2171-2.
KUBEROVÁ, H. Didaktika ošetřovatelství. 1. vyd. Praha: Portál. 2010. ISBN 978-80-7367-684-1. ISBN 978-80-7367-684-1.
NEMCOVÁ, J., HLINKOVÁ, E. Moderná edukácia v ošstrovateľstve. Martin: Osveta: 2012. ISBN 978-80-8063-321-9.
SEDLÁŘOVÁ, P. et al. 2008. Základní ošetřovatelská péče v pediatrii. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s. 248 s. ISBN - 978-80-247-1613-8.. ISBN 978-80-247-1613-8.
SIKOROVÁ, L. Potřeby dítěte v ošetřovatelském procesu Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3593-1.
SKALKOVÁ, J. . Obecná didaktika. Praha: Grada publishing.2011.SBN 978-80-247-1821-7. ISBN 978-80-247-1821-7.
VÁGNEROVÁ, M. Vývojová psychologie: dětství a dospívání. Vyd. 2., dopl. a přeprac. Praha: Karolinum, 2012. ISBN 978-80-246-2153-1. Praha: Portál, 2000. ISBN 80-7178-308-0.
VALIŠOVÁ, A., KASÍKOVÁ, H. Pedagogika pro učitele. Praha: Grada publishing. 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-3357-9.