Novotný Tomáš, MUDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1st week: Introduction to the subject, Basic anatomical orientation on the human body, basic overview of tissues. Anatomical nomenclature. Week 2: Anatomy of passive movement system (axial skeleton, skull). 3rd week: Anatomy of passive movement system (skeleton of limbs). Week 4: Anatomy of the active musculature system (muscle building and classification, head and neck muscles). Week 5: Anatomy of the active musculoskeletal system (hull, limb muscles). Week 6: Blood system (blood elements, plasma). Week 7: Cardiovascular system (heart building - cavity system, cardiac wall, blood circulation). Week 8: Cardiovascular system (blood vessel construction and classification). Week 9: Cardiovascular system (lymph system). Week 10: Respiratory system (nasal cavity, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx). 11th week: Respiratory system (lung, pleura, mediastinum). Seminar topics: Week 1: Cell (cell structure, cellular organelles). Week 2: Cell (specialized cells). Week 3: Tissue (construction, function). Week 4: Passive motion system (joint construction, division, movement). Week 5: Active motion system (muscle division, function) Week 6: Blood system (blood groups, immunity). Week 7: Anatomy of the spleen. Week 8: Cardiovascular system (cardiac transduction system, ECG curve). Week 8: Cardiovascular system (specific vascular system). 10th week: Respiratory system (bronchial tree), Week 11: Respiratory system (alveolus).
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Summary: The subject is theoretically - practical. It introduces the students with the construction and terminology of anatomic structures of the motoric system of the body. The first part of the subjects focuses on general topics including construction of the body from the cell, over the tissues and organs and organ systems. The knowledge of anatomy is later extended in the subjects of The physiology and pathology.
Subject knowledge: Student is able to describe a basic construction principle of human body (tissues, organs, organ systems) and is able to describe motoric system (bones, muscles, joints), their anatomic construction. Professional skills: Student can use subject knowledge during a basic examination of motoric system, knows localization of basic muscular groups he use, for example, during palpation examination and application of muscular injections.
No conditions given
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit requirements: minimum 80% seminar attendance, knowledge testing during the semester
Recommended literature
Gray´s Anatomy, 40th ed., Ed. in Chief: Standring, S., Churchill Livingstone, 2008. 1551 s. ISBN 978-0443066849.
Čihák, R. Anatomie 1., 3. doplněné a upravené vyd. Praha: Grada, 2011.552 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3817-8. Praha: Grada, 2011.
Dylevský, I. Obecná kineziologie 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2007. 192 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1649-7.. Praha: Grada., 2009.
ELIŠKOVÁ, M., NAŇKA, O. 2006. Přehled anatomie. Praha: Karolinum, 416 s. ISBN: 9788072626120.
FENEIS, HEINZ. Anatomický obrazový slovník. Praha: Grada, Avicenum, 464 s. ISBN 80-7169-197-6. ISBN 80-7169-197-6.
FIALA, P., VALENTA, J., EBERLOVÁ, L. Anatomie pro bakalářské studium ošetřovatelství. Praha: Karolinum, s. 136. ISBN 80-246-0804-9. Praha: Karolinum, 2004. ISBN 80-246-0804-9.
PUTZ,R., PABST, R. Sobottův atlas anatomie člověka. 22. vyd.Praha: Grada, 928s. ISBN 978-80-247-1870-5. ISBN 978-80-247-1870-5.
SINĚLNIKOV, R.D. Atlas anatomie člověka 1. 3.vyd. Praha, Avicenum, 1980. 467 s..