Banýrová Jaroslava, Mgr.
Lhotská Zuzana, Mgr.
Buchtelová Eva, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Seminar topics: 1. Consultation: Introduction to the subject, definition of basic concepts, history, short-term physiotherapy program. 2. Consultation: Brain gymnastics. 3. Consultation: Active movement, types of muscle contractions. 4. Consultation: Passive movement. 5. Consultation: Positioning. 6. Consultation: Reeducation of postural functions. Self-Study: 1.The realisation of a long-term physiotherapy plan of ARU indicational area, intensive care, surgical unit - 12h 2. The realisation of a long-term physiotherapy plan of internal medicine indication area - 12h 3. The realisation of a long-term physiotherapy plan of traumatology indication area - 12h 4. The realisation of a of long-term physiotherapy plan of prosthetics indication area- 12h 5. Video-study of postural functions re-starting in neurology indication area- 12h 6. Vertebrogenic problems, CNS defects, spinal unit - 12h 7. Video-study of postural functions re-starting in prosthetics (amputations) indication area- 12h 8. Video-study of postural functions re-starting in orthopaedics (spinal fractures) indication area - 12h 9. Video-study of positioning: transverse spinal lesion, CMP, basal stimulation - 12h
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is both theoretical and practical. It introduces the field of physiotherapy, states basic terminology and informs about physiotherapeutic plan and the aims of physiotherapy. The Knowledge received is the requirement for successful completion of psychotherapeutic studies.
Subject Knowledge: Student can define basic psychotherapeutic terms, he/she knows basic anamnestic data, the principles of conditional exercises, he/she can explain the terms regarding a long term and short term psychotherapeutic plan. Subject Skills: Student can perform conditional exercises in specified indication groups according to the age and environment specifics. Student can apply passive and active movement in basic psychotherapeutic procedures, he/she can practically perform postural functions re-starting, positioning according the the targets.
Conditional subject was not determined.
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in seminars, demonstration of acquired practical skills, passing a written credit test - 80%. Video processing - passive movement, respiratory physiotherapy, positioning, reeducation of postural functions according to the teacher's requirements).
Recommended literature
GANGALE, D. C. Rehabilitace orofaciální oblasti, 1.vyd. Praha: Grada, 2004. 232s. ISBN 80-247-0534.
GROSS, M. J., FETTO, J., ROSEN, E. Vyšetření pohybového aparátu. 1. vyd. Praha: Triton, 2005. 599s. ISBN 80-7254-720-8 ..
GÚTH, A. Liečebné metodiky v rehabilitácii pre fyzioterapeutov. 1. vyd. Bratislava: LIEČREH, 2005. 472 s. ISBN 80-88932165.. ISBN 80- 88932165.
HALADOVÁ, E., NECHVÁTALOVÁ, L. Vyšetřovací metody hybného systému. 2.vyd. Brno :NCO NZO, 2003. 135 s.. 2003. ISBN 80- 7013- 393 - 7.
JANDA a kol. Svalové funkční testy. Praha: Grada,2004. 328 s.. ISBN 80-247-0592-.
KAPANDJI, I.A. The Physiology of the Joints. London: Churchil Livingstone, 1987. ISBN 0443012091..
LEWITT, K. Manipulační léčba v myoskeletární medicíně. Praha:Sdělovací technika, ve spolupr.sČLS JEP, 2003. ISBN 80-86645-04-5.. ISBN 80-86645-04-5.
VÉLE, F. Kineziologie .2.vyd.Praha:. Triton, 2006. 374s.. ISBN 80 -7254-837-9.