Course: Rehabilitation Propaedeutics

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Course title Rehabilitation Propaedeutics
Course code KF/RPF5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kališko Ondřej, Mgr.
  • Folgetová Iva, Mgr.
  • Buchtelová Eva, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. Anamnesis, patients' rights. 2. Ethical code of a physiotherapist. 3. Anthropometry I. 4. Anthropometry II. 5. Examination of spinal mobility. 6. Goniometry. 7. Method SFTR. 8. Syndromes of muscular imbalance by prof. Janda. 9. Examination of shortened structures. 10. Examination of hypermobility. 11. Revision. Seminar Topics: 1. General principles of examination methods of the motion system: palpation of palpable points, marking the planes of the body and the directions. 2. Examination of anthropometry. 3. Examination of spinal mobility. 4. Goniometry of the joints of upper limb 5. Goniometry of the joints of upper limb 6. Goniometry of the joints of lower limb 7. Goniometry of the joints of lower limb 8. Method SFTR. 9. Examination of shortened structures 10. Examination of hypermobility. 11. Revision.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject gives students basal information from examination methods and complex information on treatments in physiotherapy. It is an introduction to rehabilitation subjects.
Subject Knowledge: Student can describe individual planes and directions of the body, defines anthropometry and goniometry, knows ranges of motion in the joints and spine, and is familiar with the SFTR method. Student is familiar with syndromes of muscular imbalance by prof. Janda.Student defines muscles with a tendency to shorten and weakening of muscles on the ventral and dorsal side of the body. Subject Skills: Student is able to palpate tactile points on human body, is able to work with a planimetry goniometer, can examine the range of movement in peripheral and roots joints, and can examine shortened structures and hypermobility.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
Protocol processing: goniometry, anthropometry Active 80% participation in seminars. Examination: 2 written test during a semester, an oral exam.
Recommended literature
  • PŘÍSLUŠNÉ ZÁKONY: Zákon č. 48/1997 Sb., o veřejném zdravotním pojištění Zákon č. 551/1991 Sb., o všeobecné zdravotní pojišťovně České republiky Zákon č. 160/1992 Sb., o zdravotní péči v nestátních zdravotnických zařízeních.
  • DONNELLY, JH., GIBSON, JL., IVANCEVICH, JM. Management. Praha, GRADA, 222 s. ISBN 80-7160-422-3. 1997.
  • GÚTH, A. Liečebné metodiky v rehabilitácii pre fyzioterapeutov. 1. vyd. Bratislava: LIEČREH, 2005. 472 s. ISBN 80-88932165.. ISBN 80- 88932165.
  • GÚTH, A. Vyšetřovacie a liečebné metodiky pre fyzioterapeutov. 2. vyd. Bratislava: LIEČREH, 442 s. ISBN 80-88932-02-5. 1998.
  • HALADOVÁ, E., NECHVÁTALOVÁ, L. Vyšetřovací metody hybného systému. 1.vyd. Brno: IDVPZ, 132 s. ISBN 80-7013-237-X. 1997.
  • HALADOVÁ, E., NECHVÁTALOVÁ, L. Vyšetřovací metody hybného systému. 2.vyd. Brno :NCO NZO, 2003. 135 s.. 2003. ISBN 80- 7013- 393 - 7.
  • HAŠKOVCOVÁ, H. Lékařská etika. 1. vyd. Praha: Galén, 233 s. ISBN 80-85824-03-5. 1994.
  • JANDA,V. Funkční svalový test.1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 328 s. ISBN 80-7169-208-5. 1996.
  • JANDA,V., PAVLŮ, D. Goniometrie. 1. vyd. Brno: IDVPZ, 108 s. ISBN 80-7013-160-8. 1993.
  • JAVŮREK, J. Propedeutika fyzioterapie a rehabilitaceí.2.dopl.vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 1999.80 s. 1999. ISBN 80071849006.
  • JAVŮREK, J. Propedeutika rehabilitačního lékařství.1.vyd. Praha: SPN, 142 s.. 1990.
  • JEFFREY M.GROSS,JOSEPH FETTO,ELAINE ROSEN. Vyšetření pohybového aparátu.1.vyd.Praha:Triton,2005.598s.. ISBN 80 - 7254-720-8.
  • SMÉKAL, D. Funkční hodnocení pohybového systému v kinantropologických studiích.1.vyd.Olomouc:UP FTK,2006.90s. 2006. ISBN 8024413051.
  • VEBER, J. a kol. Management, prosperita, globalizace. Praha: Management Press, 2000. 143 s. ISBN 80-7261-029-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester