Course: Pediatrics

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Course title Pediatrics
Course code KF/PEDF5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Tůma Stanislav, prof. MUDr. CSc.
  • Pajerek Jan, MUDr.
  • Altová Lucie, MUDr.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. The cardiovascular system of a child. 2. Hemodynamic sighs. 3. The course of examination by diagnostic imaging methods and the use of their results. 4. The course of examination by diagnostic imaging methods and the use of their results. 5. Signs of heart failure. 6. Assistance in diagnostic procedures by imaging methods. 7. Assistance in diagnostic procedures by imaging methods. 8. An application of results of the diagnostic imaging methods in medical procedures in children. 9. An application of results of the diagnostic imaging methods in medical procedures in children. 10. Revision.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject focuses on the childhood diseases that require rehabilitation. The clinical picture, indication and contraindication of physiotherapy are discussed for every disease. Student will gain broader base knowledge and skills to apply in practice.
Subject Knowledge: Student is able to describe the procedure for assessment of functional disorders of cardiovascular system. Student applies conclusions obtained by diagnostic imaging methods in his practise. Subject Skills: Absolvent can identify the signs indicating the possibility of child's heart failure and solves them with a relevant selection of a medical aid. Student implements the results of the diagnostic imaging methods in his work.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
A written test. An oral exam
Recommended literature
  • BRACHFELD, K. Pediatrie. 2.vyd. Praha, Avicenum,1982.249 s..
  • KLENER, I., M. MIKUŠOVÁ a J. VOJTÍŠEK. Ochrana pacientů a zdravotnického personálu při radiodiagnosticých vyšetřeních.. Avicenum, 1987.
  • KOL. AUTORŮ. Dětské lékařství pro posluchače lékařských fakult. 2.vyd. Praha, Avicenum,. 1991.
  • Konečná, L. Pediatrické kontrolní otázky.1.vyd.Brno: LFMU,2000.56s. 2000. ISBN 80-210-2432-1.
  • MÁČEK, M. Pediatrie pro rehabilitační pracovníky. 1.vyd. Praha, Avicenum, 1977.118 s..
  • Máček, M., Smolíková, L. Fyzioterapie a pohybová léčba u chronické obstrukční plicní nemoci.1.vyd.Praha:Vltavín.2002.128s.. 2002. ISBN 8086587-00-2.
  • MRZENA, B. Vybrané kapitoly z pediatrie. 1.vyd. Praha, FTVS UK, 1985. 202 s..
  • NEUWIRTH, J., A. RYDH, R. RIENMÜLLER, T. ADLA a V. SUCHÁNEK. Anatomia radiologica musculoskeletalis basalis.. Triton, Praha - Umea - Graz, 2007. ISBN 80-7254-846-8.
  • STEINHART L., R. PUDIL a J. ENDRYS. Úloha prostého snímku hrudníku v kardiologii.. NUCLEUS HK, 2012. ISBN 978-80-87009-91-8.
  • Strožický, F., Pizingerová. Základy dětského lékařství.1.vyd.Praha:Karolinum,2006.360s.. 2002. ISBN 80-246-1067-1.
  • ŠAGÁT, T. Pediatrie.1.vyd. Praha, Avicenum, 1986. 202 s..
  • VÁLEK, V. a I. SVÍŽENSKÁ. Základy anatomie v zobrazovacích metodách. Skiaskopie a skiagrafie.. IDVPZ Brno, 2001. ISBN 80-7013-334-1.
  • VOLF, V. Pediatrie. 1.vyd. Praha, Informatorium, 1996. 210 s. ISBN 80-85427-87-7.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester