Course: Orthopaedics and Prosthetics

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Course title Orthopaedics and Prosthetics
Course code KF/ORTF5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Edelmann Karel, MUDr. Ph.D.
  • Ježková Andrea, Ing.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. Systemic skeletal diseases and birth defects. 2. Inflammations of the joints and bone, tumors and avascular necrosis. 3. Osteoarthritis, joint replacement. 4. Injury and diseases of soft knee, arthroscopy. 5. Spondylochirurgie, incorrect posture, scoliosis, Schumann's disease. 6. Degenerative spine disease, spine injuries. 7. Static limb defects. 8. Amputation of upper and lower limbs. 9. Prostheses for upper and lower limbs. 10. Orthotics, calceotics, adiuvatics. Seminar Topics: 1. - 3. Upper limb prosthesis. 4. - 6. Lower limb prosthesis. 11. 7. - 9. Orthotics, calceotics, adiuvatics. 10. Revision.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
A complex overview of diagnosis and treatment of diseases and musculoskeletal disorders with the emphasis on prevention, and in relation to physiotherapy. A complex overview of spondylosurgery, degenerative and injury issues. An overview of the basic prosthetic issues and the use of prosthetic aids connected with rehabilitation and the return of patients to the society.
Subject Knowledge: Student knows individual methods of investigation of musculoskeletal system; he/she can investigate and write down the momentum in individual joints. Student can name the basic systematic, hereditary, and acquired diseases, their diagnosis and treatment; he/she knows the basic division of bone tumours. Student can describe the rise of osteoarthrosis; he/she is able to describe the conservative and surgical treatment methods with emphasis on Endoprosthetics. Student is able to characterize individual spine diseases, developmental and degenerative, and describe their treatment. Subject Skills: Student is able to describe individual spine injuries and steps of an urgent resuscitate, and he is also able to perform them in practice. Student can name and briefly characterise individual areas of prosthetics and can describe their involvement in rehabilitation and helping disabled to return to life.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in classes, internship at the orthopaedic or traumatology clinics, in the operating room, passing a written test - 70%, an oral exam.
Recommended literature
  • ČERMÁK, J., CHVALOVÁ, O., BOTLÍKOVÁ, V. Záda už mě nebolí. 2. vyd. Praha: Svojtka a Vašut, 1994. 144 s. ISBN 80-7180-001-5.. ISBN 80-7180-001-5.
  • DITMAR, R. Instability kolenního kloubu. 2.vyd. Olomouc, UP, 1995. 31 s.ISBN 80-7067-5.
  • DUNGL a kol. Ortopedie. Praha:1LF UK, 2005. ISBN 80-247-0550-8.. 2005.
  • EHMER, B. Ortopädie und traumatologie für physioterapeuten. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag,1998. 423 s. ISBN 3 - 432 - 30131 - 6.
  • GALLO, J. a kol. Ortopedie pro studenty lékařských a zdravotnických fakult. 1. vyd. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2011. ISBN 978-80-244-2486-6.
  • Hadraba, I. Ortopedická protetika. 1. vyd. Praha: UK. 2006. ISBN 80-246-1296-8.. 2006.
  • Chaloupka, R. a kol. Vybrané kapitoly z LTV v ortopedii a traumatologii. 1.vyd.Brno:NCO NZO Brno,2001,186s.ISBN 80-70-133-41-4. 2001.. 2001.
  • Káš, S., Országh, J. Ischias a jiné nemoci páteře. 1.vyd. Praha: Brána, 1995. 164 s. ISBN 80-85-946-149. 1995. ISBN 80-85 946-149.
  • KUBÁT, R. Ortopedické vady dětí a jak jim předcházet. 1. vyd. Praha: H&H, 1992, 74 s. ISBN 80-85 800-46-2.. Praha: H&H, 1992. ISBN 80-85 800-46-2.
  • KUBÁT, R.,MRZENA, V. Ortopedie a traumatologie pohybového ústrojí pro posluchače FTVS - obor rehabilitace. Praha, SPN,. 1986.
  • PANEŠ, V. Vybrané kapitoly z chirurgie,traumatologie,ortopedie a protetiky.1.vyd.Olomouc, EPAVA, 1993. 110 s. - 166 s. ISBN 80 - 901471 - 2 - 7.
  • SOSNA, A. a kol. Základy ortopedie. 1.vyd. Praha: Triton, 2001. 169s. ISBN 80 - 7254-202. 2001. ISBN 80-7254-202.
  • ŽIVČÁK J., L. BEDNARČÍKOVÁ a M. MICHALÍKOVÁ. Protetika a ortotika - kalceotika, l. vyd. Košice: Technická univerzita, 2010. 204 s. ISBN 978-80-5530-532-5.. Košice: Technická univerzita, 2010. ISBN 9788055305325.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester