Course: Neurology I

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Course title Neurology I
Course code KF/NEU1
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Vachová Marta, MUDr.
  • Banýrová Jaroslava, Mgr.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. Examination proceduress in neurology, neurological status 2. Objective neurological examination 3. Syndroms of II. and I. motoneuron 4. Extrapyramidal syndrom, cerebelum syndrom 5. Meningeal syndrom, Spinal cord syndrom 6. Syndrom of brain trunk, undercortical syndrom 7. Cortical syndroms, Phatic functions and its disorders 8. Vestibular syndrom 9. Sensitive syndrom Seminar topics: 1. Neurological examination from the viewpoint of the physiotherapist 2. Examination of the peripheral nervous system - upper limbs 3. Examination of the peripheral nervous system - lower extremity 4. Examination of the central nervous system 5. Examination of the cerebellum 6. Examination of extrapyramidal system 7. Examination of posture and gait neurologically 8. Neurological examination of children 9. Repetition of of subject matter

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject acquaints students with the facts of diseases of the human nervous system. It offers basic knowledge of causes, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous system. Seminars are focused on the practical investigation of disturbances, their evaluation and use in assembling of a treatment plan.
Students gain basic knowledge of reasons, diagnostics and pervention of nervous system diseases. Seminars are devoted to practical examination of disorders, its evaluation and usage of making therapeutical plan.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
Written casustics elaboration
Recommended literature
  • AMBLER, Z. Učebnice pro studenty lékařských fakult. Universita Karlova.. 1999. ISBN 80-7066-376-6.
  • DROSTE, C. Vademecum lékaře. 1. vyd. Praha: Sci. Medica, 1992. 19 s. ISBN 80-85526-04-2.. 1992.
  • JANDA,V., KRAUS, J. Neurologie pro rehabilitační pracovníky.2.vyd. Praha: Avicenum, 232. 1987.
  • KÁŠ, S. a kol. Neurologie pro praktické lékaře. Praha: Scientia Medica, 1999.. 1995.
  • LENSKÝ, P. Roztroušená skleróza mozkomíšní.1.vyd. Praha: Unie edice Roska, svazek 1, 1996.15 s..
  • LIPPERTOVÁ-GRÚNEROVÁ, M. Neurorehabilitace. Praha: Galén, 2005. 350 s. ISBN 8072623176.. 2005. ISBN 8072623176.
  • OPAVSKÝ, J. Neurologické vyšetření v rehabilitaci pro fyzioterapeuty. UP, Olomouc, 2003. ISBN 80-244-0625-X. 2003.
  • PFEIFFER, J. Neurologie v rehabilitaci: Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007. 351 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1135-5.. ISBN 978- 80-247-1135-.
  • RŮŽIČKA, E. Parkinsonova nemoc.1.vyd. Praha: Psychiatrické centrum, 69 s. ISBN 80-85121-19-8. 1998.
  • TICHÝ, J. Neurologie.1.vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 322 s. ISBN 80-7184-492-6. 1997.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester