The content of the subject is specified as practical activity of the students at medical, social and rehabilitation facilities under methodical supervision of an experienced employee. The aim is professional practical training enabling professional performance unde real working conditions. Students will develop their knowledge of from other specialized courses of the study field. During the second year of study they get information and materials for their final bachelor's project. According to the law no. 372/2011 Sb., § 46 p.2 about medical services and rules of their providing the student will perform their practice under the supervision of medical staff being contracted to the facility and having the qualification to perform medical profession without further special supervision.
Subject Knowledge: Student can describe specified indication areas, name and describe diagnoses of specified indication areas, actively use psychotherapeutic procedures and concepts. Students develop their knowledge received in other specialized subjects of the study field. Subject Skills: Student can apply basic psychotherapeutic procedures in practice regarding indication areas of paediatry, orthopaedy, surgery, internal medicine and neurology. He/ she knows how to teach the client auto-mobilisation of the spine, he/ she knows how to examine joint looseness of the peripheral joints and further mobilization, he/ she knows how to examine and treat soft tissues, scars, he /she knows basic therapy of peripheral pareses. He /she can apply basic respiration physiotherapy and apply adjuvatics for verticalisation and walk.
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