Zemanová Miroslava, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1.week Hygiene requierements at enviroment after rehabilitation 2.week Air and water hygiene. Lighting and noise and other factors influencing quality of enviroment 3.week Adjustment of interior atmosphere. Principles and prevension of infectious diseases. Prevention of nosocomial infections 4.week Disinfection, disinsection, disinfestation. Immunization and vaccinations. 5. week Hygiene requirements at nutrition at medical institutions 6.week Building-up, operation and upkeeping at medical and rehabilitational institutions 7.week Work hygiene, occupational disease prevention, labour protection
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject gives students the knowledge of a relation of a micro-organism to its environment, it investigates their reciprocal influence and importance for human health. It deals with the knowledge of disease prevention, hygiene principles and health protection when working in health centres.
Students learn knowledges of possibilities of diseases prevention and principles of hygiene and health protection during a work at medical institutions.
Conditional subject was not determined.
Assessment methods and criteria
Short term attachment at hygiene stations.
Recommended literature
Bencko, V. a kol. Hygiena. Učební texty k seminářům a cvičením, UK Praha, 1995, s. 195. ISBN ISBN 80-246-0383-.
HAVRÁNEK, J. Hluk a zdraví. 1.vyd. Praha, Avicenum, 278 s.. 1990. ISBN 80-201-0020-2.
HLÍNA, J. Riziko hluku v životním prostředí. 2.vyd. Brno. IDVPZ, 1991. 49 s. ISBN 80-7013-094-6.
KOL. AUTORŮ. Soubor zdravotnických a hygienických předpisů. 1.vyd. Ostrava, ASK, 1996. 267 s..
PODSTATOVÁ, H. Mikrobiologie,epidemiologie,hygiena.1.vyd.Olomouc:Epava,2001.285s. 2001. ISBN 80-86297-07-1.
ŠVEC, F. Obecná a komunální hygiena I. 2. přeprac. vyd. Brno, IDVPZ, 1990. 229 s. ISBN 80-7013-061-X.
ŠVEC, F. Obecná a komunální hygiena II. 2.přeprac. vyd. Brno. IDVPZ, 1990. 270 s. ISBN 80-7013-062-8.