Course: Physiotherapy I

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Course title Physiotherapy I
Course code KF/FZK5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Jelínek Marek, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Tichá Kateřina, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Ježková Andrea, Ing.
  • Charvátová Alena, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. consultation: Introduction to physiotherapy, basic terminology, physioterapeutic procedures ARD, intensive care units. 2. consultation: Physiotherapeutic procedures in indication area of surgery, gynaecology, paediatry. 3. consultation: Physiotherapy in cardiosurgery, with patients suffering ICHS, CHOPN; metabolism disorders, in reumatology. Seminar Topics: 1. consultation: Treatment of soft tissues of the cervical and lumbar spine, a cervical and thoracic spine motorization, a lumbar spine and a pelvis. 2. consultation: Examination of joint strength and rib treatment: Lewit's mobilization techniques, examination and treatment of impingement and trigger points. 3. consultation: PNF: basic principles, the first and second diagonal of the upper limb, a shoulder blade. 4. consultation: Respiratory physiotherapy: respiratory hygiene techniques, assisting tools and their application, expectoration support). 4. consultation: The method of L. Mojžíšová (the principles of Mojžíšová method, indications and contraindications of Mojžíšová method, exercising unit according to Mojžíšová method, rib palpation: anterior, posterior and spasm palpation, abdomen, hip adductors, gluteal muscles, coccyx palpation. Self-Study: 1. Physiological mechanisms in physiotherapy. 2. Specifics of load adaptation among ICHS patients. 3. Physiotherapy in oncology. 4. Physiotherapy for osteoporosis. 5. Brügger's Conception: thera-band application. 6. Ball facilitation.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject combines theory and practice and it is one of the key subjects. It teaches the students pathogenesis of functional disorders related to motoric system, methods used in rehabilitation and psychotherapeutic procedures in specified clinical fields. This knowledge will be useful during the course of professional training (internship).The aim of the subject is to train the procedures and methods applied for certain clinical diseases.
Subject knowledge: Student can perform and use psychotherapeutic procedures for ARD, surgery, traumatology and intensive care units. He/she can describe the differences and irregularities in rehabilitation approaches to the patients based on the age. Student can describe physiological mechanisms used in physiotherapy, the specifics of load adaptation of ICHS patient; he/she can explain the basis and timeline in individual phases of psychotherapeutic process in indication areas of internal medicine, reumatology and oncology. Subject Skills: Student can practically perform and train the client auto-mobilisation of the spine, use conditioning of unconditioned reflexes in psychotherapeutic procedures, apply Kenny's therapy in peripheral paresis treatment. He/she can treat soft tissue of the cervical and lumbar spine and know the issues of standing examination and examination of basic motoric stereotypes according to Janda. Student can propose a short-term and long-term program for specified indication areas; he/she can examine and treat the disorders of a motoric system using the basic concepts of spiral dynamics, Brügger's concept, mobilization techniques, ball facilitation and sensomotoric stimulation.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
Demonstration of acquired practical skills. Oral commission examination of the credit.
Recommended literature
  • GÚTH, A. Vyšetřovacie a léčebné metodiky pre fyziotera peutov.2.vyd. Bratislava:LIEČREH, 442 s. ISBN 80-88932-02-5. 1998.
  • GÚTH, A. Vyšetřovacie a léčebné metodiky pre fyziotera peutov.2.vyd. Bratislava:LIEČREH, 442 s. ISBN 80-88932-02-5. 1998..
  • JANDA, V. a kol. Svalové funkční testy. 2. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004. 328 s. ISBN 80-247-0722-5.. ISBN 80-247-0722-5.
  • JANDA,V. Základy funkčních neparetických hybných poruch.1.vyd. BRNO: ÚDVZP, 139 s. 57 -855 -84:. 1984.
  • JANDA,V. Základy kliniky funkčních hybných poruch. 1. vyd. Brno: IDVPZ, 1984. 139 s..
  • KOLÁŘ, P. et al. Rehabilitace v klinické praxi. 1. vyd.Praha: Galén,s.r.o.,2009.713s. ISBN 978-80-7262 -657-1..
  • KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Fyzioterapie.1.vyd. Jinočany: H+H, 428 s. ISBN 80-86022-45-5. 1999.
  • LEWIT, K. Manipulační léčba v rámci léčebné rehabilitace,1.vyd. Praha: Nadas, 200-250s.. 1990.
  • PAVLŮ, D. Speciální fyzioterapeutické koncepty a metody.1. vyd. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2002.239 s. ISBN 80-7204-266-1.
  • RYCHLÍKOVÁ, E. Funkční poruchy kloubů končetin.Praha:Grada Avicenum.2002. 2002. ISBN 80-247-0237-1.
  • VÉLE, F. Kineziologie. Praha: Triton, 2006. ISBN 80-7254-837-1.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester