Course: Physiotherapy II

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Course title Physiotherapy II
Course code KF/FZ2K5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 9
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Sochorová Tereza, Mgr.
  • Tichá Kateřina, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Charvátová Alena, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. consultation: Physiotherapy: traumatology in the upper limb girdle, pelvis, lower limb and spine. 2. consultation: Development defects of the hip joint: DLL, M. Perthes, coxa vara adolescentia. Aching shoulder syndrome. 3. consultation: Physiotherapy in neurology indication area (P, CA, RS, extra-pyramidal syndromes, transversal leses of the spinal cord) Seminar Topics: 1.consultation: PNF - DK, pelvis, hull, head. 2. consultation:: PNF - booster and relaxation techniques. 3. consultation: Redcord? - basic principle, therapy. 4. consultation: Klappovo climbing. 5. consultation: Acral coactivation Therapy. Self-Study: Spine defects: dorsum planum, M. Scheuerman, scoliosis. Inborn and gained defects of legs and toes. Entesopathy. Therapy of the functional female sterility according to Mojžíšová. Examination specifics of the upper limb. Examination specifics of the lower limb.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
It is the basic subject in the study field; it is designed as theoretical and practical. It ontroduces the pathogenesis of functional defects of the motoric system, the methods used in rehabilitation and psychotherapeutic procedures in various clinical fields. This knowledge is then used in practice. The aim of the subject is to apply the knowledge of the procedures and methods in the clinical fields, to develop understanding of special differences and applying the right methods based on the disease.
Subject Knowledge: Student can describe physiological mechanisms in physiotherapy. He/she can describe the basis and timeline in the phases of psychotherapeutic process in the indication areas of traumatology and orthopaedy. Subject Skills: Student can perform short-term and long-term programs in the indication areas; he/she can examine and treat the defects of the motorics system using PNF basics of the concept and mobilization techniques in the specified parts of spine. Student can describe the principles of polio; he/she can apply basics of these methods and principles; he/she can practically use a specific test in the area of upper and lower limb and recommend autotherapy to the client.
Required achieved subjects Physiotherapy I.

Assessment methods and criteria
Demonstration of practical skills. Oral Commission Examination.
Recommended literature
  • CARRARO, L. Obnova pohybu po cévní mozkové příhodě. Rehalb. 2002..
  • GILBERT, A. Brachial plexus injuries. London: Martin Dunitz, 2001. ISBN 02-032-1640-7.. London: Martin Dunitz, 2001. ISBN 02-032-1640-7.
  • GÚTH, A. Vyšetřovacie a léčebné metodiky pre fyziotera peutov.2.vyd. Bratislava:LIEČREH, 442 s. ISBN 80-88932-02-5. 1998.
  • GÚTH, A. Vyšetřovacie a léčebné metodiky pre fyziotera peutov.2.vyd. Bratislava:LIEČREH, 442 s. ISBN 80-88932-02-5. 1998..
  • HANINEC, P. , R. KAISER. Operační léčba poranění plexus brachialis. Česká a Slovenská Neurologie a Neurochirurgie. 2011, 74 (6), s. 619-630. ISSN 12107859..
  • JOHNSTONE, M. Homecare for the stroke patient.. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, School of Physiotherapy, Faculty ofHealth Sciences, The University, 2011.
  • KALVACH, P. a kol. Mozkové ischemie a hemoragie.. Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-2765-3.
  • KOLÁŘ, P. et al.. Rehabilitace v klinické praxi. 1.vyd.Praha:Galén, 2009. 713s. ISBN 978-80-7262-657-1..
  • KOUTNÝ, M. Periferní obrna lícního nervu. Practicus, 2010.
  • LEWIT, K. Manipulační léčba v rámci léčebné rehabilitace,1.vyd. Praha: Nadas, 200-250s.. 1990.
  • OPAVSKÝ, J. Neurologické vyšetření v rehabilitaci pro fyzioterapeuty. UP, Olomouc, 2003. ISBN 80-244-0625-X. 2003.
  • PAVLŮ, D. Speciální fyzioterapeutické koncepty a metody.1. vyd. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2002.239 s. ISBN 80-7204-266-1.
  • ROCK C.-M.,KRUEGER,S.P.-překlad PAVLŮ,D. Agisticko-excentrické kontrakční postupy k ovlivnění funkčních poruch pohybového systému.Zurich:Dr.Brugger-Institut.2000 142s.. 2000. ISBN 3-905407-01-9.
  • RYCHLÍKOVÁ, E. Funkční poruchy kloubů končetin.Praha:Grada Avicenum.2002. 2002. ISBN 80-247-0237-1.
  • TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ - KITTLEROVÁ, O., HRADIL,V., VACEK, J. Rehabilitace pacientů s onkologickou diagnózou. Praha:Triton, 2004. 87 s. ISBN 80-7254-485-3..
  • VÉLE, F. Kineziologie .2.vyd.Praha:. Triton, 2006. 374s.. ISBN 80 -7254-837-9.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester