Course: Physical Therapy I

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Course title Physical Therapy I
Course code KF/FT15
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kališko Ondřej, Mgr.
  • Lhotská Zuzana, Mgr.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. Introduction, basic division, aspects of modern physical therapy. 2. Effects of physical impulse, general principles of the options of physical therapy 3. Indications, contraindication physical therapy, safety. 4. Thermotherapy. 5. Hydrotherapy. 6. Phototherapy. 7. Inhalation. 8. Classical massage. 9. Mechanotherapy. 10. Combined therapy. 11. Revision Seminar Topics: 1. Basic touches of classical massage. 2. Classical massage- set for LL from the back, from the front. 3. Classical massage- set for UL. 4. Classical massage- set for neck and head 5. Classical massage- set for chest and abdomen 6.Complete classical massage 7. Thermotherapy. 8. Hydrotherapy. 9. Phototherapy. 10. Mechanotherapy. 11.Revision

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course is conceived as theoretical - practical. It enables students to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of physical therapy focused on traditional and modern physical funds. The aim is to get knowledge, principles and therapeutic procedures in completing physical therapy, acquiring knowledge of the physical mechanism of individual treatments, including occupational health and safety at work
Subject Knowledge: Student can describe and explain the mechanisms of the effects of the essential means of physical therapy, he/she can also define indications and contraindications of a physical treatment. Subject Skills: Student can implement the basic operations in the field of physical therapy, can suggest the application of physical resources in the individual groups, knows and respects the principles of health and safety.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active 80% participation in classes, proof of acquired practical skills, credit test.
Recommended literature
  • aktuální články k dané problematice.
  • Bulletin UNIFY.
  • Eurorehab.
  • Refor.
  • Rehabilitace a fyzikální lékařství.
  • Rehabilitácia.
  • BECHYNĚ, M., BECHYŇOVÁ, R. Mízní otok - lymfedém, komplexní terapie. Praha: Phlebomedika, 320 s. ISBN 80-9012981-1.. ISBN 80-9012981-1.
  • CÁPKO, J. Základy fyziatrické léčby. 1.vyd. Praha, Grada, 1998. 394 s. ISBN 80-7169-341-3.
  • EVANS,M.FRANSEN,S.,OXENFORD,R. Masáže - Masáže, Aromaterapie, Shiatsu, Reflexologie. Praha: Grada, ISBN 80-247-0108-1. ISBN 80-247-0108-1.
  • JANDOVÁ, D. Balneologie. Praha: Grada, 404 s. ISBN 978-80-247-2820-9.. ISBN 978-80-247-2820-9.
  • JANDOVÁ, R., KANDAS, J. Inhalační léčba. 1.vyd. Brno, IDVPZ,1997. 49 s. ISBN 80-7013-252-3.
  • JAVŮREK, J. Fototerapie biolaserem - léčebná metoda budoucnosti. 1.vyd. Praha, Grada Publishing, 1995. 199 s. ISBN 80-7169-046-5.
  • KŘETÍNSKÁ, Z. Hydroterapie:indikace,racionální volba,kontraindikace.Olomouc,2000. 2000.
  • PODĚBRADSKÝ, J. Fyzikální terapie II. 1.vyd. Praha, Grada, 1998. 171 s. ISBN 80-7169-661-7.
  • PODĚBRADSKÝ, J.PODĚBRADSKÁ,R. Fyzikální terapie - manuál a algoritmy. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 218s. ISBN 978-80-247-2899 -5.. ISBN 978-80-247-2899-5.
  • PODĚBRADSKÝ, J.,VAŘEKA, J. Fyzikální terapie I. 1.vyd. Praha, Grada Publishing,1998, 262 s.ISBN 80-7169-661-7.
  • ŠKAPÍK, M. Využití balneologie ve vnitřním lékařství.1.vyd. Praha, Grada, 1994.152 s. ISBN 80-7169-130-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester