Course: Ergonomy

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Course title Ergonomy
Course code KF/ENFK5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Beranová Radka, Mgr. DiS.
  • Vostrý Michal, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Buchtelová Eva, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. consultation: Hygiene at work: aims, methods of work, practical realization. Physical, chemical and biological factors at the workplace, their influence on heath and prevention. Evaluation of heath risks, dangerous work, medical preventive monitoring. Hygiene at work for specified psychotherapeutic activities. Physiology of work. Physical, sensoric, mental load at work. Ergonomy: aims, methods, ergonomic programs. Self-Study: Manipulation with loads, ergonomic rules of arranging workplaces, diseases and their prevention. Intervention programs and support of health at the workplace.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is both theoretical and practical. Students will know the evaluation of work conditions, physical, chemical and biological factors of the workplace and their influence on health, evaluation of heath risks, categorization of work, the basics of physiology of work and ergonomy, evaluation of physical and sensoric load during work and the principles of workers' heath protection.
Subject Knowledge: Students recognize the ways of identification of factors at the workplace and their influence on the health of the workers, evaluation of health risks, categorization of work, protections of the worker's health. Students know the basics of physiology of work, evaluation of physical, sensoric and mental load while working and the influence on health of the workers, the rules of adjusting the workplaces and working conditions, based on physical, mental and psychical characteristics of the employees. Students understand the aims of ergonomy, the rules of correct manipulation with loads and prevention to protect the motoric system and diseases and ergonomic rules of adjusting the workplaces and conditions to the needs of people with different work abilities. Subject Skills: Students can evaluate working health risks, they can propose ergonomic programs and prevention measures to protect health bt means of physiotherapeutic activities and they can also correct organization and offer adjustments to the workplace for the impaired.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
75% success rate in the test.
Recommended literature
  • GILBERTOVÁ S., MATOUŠEK, O. Ergonomie. Praha: 2003..
  • CHUNDELA, L. Ergonomie. 1. vyd. Praha, ČVUT, 2001. 171s. ISBN 80-01-02301-X. ISBN 80-01-02301-X.. ISBN 80-01-02301-X.
  • KIS S. ET AL. Ergonomia. Košice, 1991.
  • KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Manuál prevence v lékařské praxi - díl V. Prevence nepříznivého působení faktorů pracovního prostředí a pracovních procesů. SZÚ Praha. 1998.
  • KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Pracovní lékařství, díl I. - III. Praha, 1995. 1995.
  • Král, M. Ergonomie a její technické využití, Ostrava. 1994.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester