Course: Centration Stabilization Strengthening

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Course title Centration Stabilization Strengthening
Course code KF/CSPF5
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kališko Ondřej, Mgr.
Course content
Seminar Topics: 1. Practising of basic instructions for setting up joints. Manual help and resistance. 2. Breathe work (inhale, power exhale, breath holding,) in various positions and exercises. 3. Resistance against verticalization and locomotion, segments lightening. Use of Thera bands and small weights in ambulance. 4. Fitness equipment: types, application. Common mistakes in fitness. 5. The gym in preventing and treating locomotive disorders. 6. Locomotor system diagnosis in the gym and subsequent adjustment to exercises. Individual modification of exercises. 7. Strengthening and gym training at rehabilitation workplace. Strengthening for the performance (power, sports) or for body shaping with keeping in mind the medical concepts.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim is to implement the concepts of stabilization (basal) programs for therapeutic and preventive strengthening. A model for exercises is a configuration known from our ontogenesis (verticalization and locomotion), and also from phylogenesis (its modifications), from professional strengthening activities and sports. Besides working with the resistance or strain, it is also used for the attention focusing and ideas creating. The education is directed to ambulance training (Thera bands, weights), and gym (pulleys and other equipment), that can become the second workplace of a therapist.
Subject Knowledge: Students can explain the basic ventral and dorsal stabilizing strings in sagittal plane and in diagonals, and also in later lateral plane. They can reason the principles (from centre to periphery, from the support to centre, one handed exercise), explain what positive and negative for the result of physical activity is happening, when attention is focused. They are able to work and justify the ideas. They can explain the impact differences of strengthening, PIR, PIP, and stretching, They know how to influence the contractile and fibrous muscle component. Subject Skills: Students know how to manually stabilize the spine, blades, key joints and acre and apply the manual resistance with the goal of practising stabilization of individual segments and whole body. Students are able to demonstrate the most used exercises (approximately 100) and they are able to teach them.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active 80% participation, practical inputs during the course (manual dexterity).
Recommended literature
  • Sborník Konference TONUS 2011, ARSCI 2011..
  • SIEGELE J. Seilzübungen. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, 2003. ISBN 3-13-129251-4..
  • ALTER, M. Strečink.. Praha: Grada, 1998.
  • BAECHLE, T. R. (ed): Essential of Strength Training and Conditioning (National Strength and Conditioning Association) Champain. Human Kinetics. ISBN 0-87322-694-1.
  • BROOKFIELD, J. The Grip Master's Manual. IronMind Enterprises. Nevada City, California, 2002.
  • BRÜGGER, A.:. Agistich-exzentrische Kontraktionsmasnachmen gegen Funktionsstörungen des Bewegfungssystems.. Arbeitsdhanbuch von C. M. Rock und S. Petak-Krueger. Dr. Brügger- Institut Zürich. ISBN 3-9520075-3-6.
  • BRUNKOW R. BRUNKOW R. In: Blum, M: TER Blum: Ein Behandlungskonzept basierend auf dem Bahnungssystem von Roswitha BRUNKOW. ISBN 978-3-7905-0901-4.
  • ČÁPOVÁ J. Bazální programy a podprogramy.. Repronis, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7329-180-8.
  • ČECH, Z. a P. TLAPÁK. Koncepce centračně-stabilizačních posilovacích cvičení.. RehFyzLék, 2010.
  • HATFIELD, F. C. Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach (Paperback).
  • KOLÁŘ, P. DNS (výukový materiál ke kurzu).
  • PAGe, P. Human Kinetics. USA, 2005. ISBN 0-7360-5493-6.
  • PETR, M. a P. ŠŤASTNÝ. Funkční silový trénink. UK Praha, 2012.
  • TLAPÁK, P., J. NOVÁK, J. HRDINA, J. ZELENÝ a J. GABRHEL. Heart rate and metabolic demands of Weight - Lifting.. Acta Univ. Carol. Gymn. 26, 1990.
  • TLAPÁK, P. Posilování pro zdraví I. - VIII. Muscle & Fitness. 2009, roč. 19, č. 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9..
  • TLAPÁK, P. Tvarování těla pro muže a ženy. Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-86078-57-4.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester