Course: Biophysics

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Course title Biophysics
Course code KF/BF5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Novák Stanislav, prof. RNDr. CSc.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. Introduction, construction of substance, interaction, phenomena on the interface between two media, transport phenomena. 2. Transformation of the energy in an organism. 3. Warmth and temperature, biophysical aspects of regulation of a temperature, use of warmth and cold in therapy. 4. Basics of acoustics, sound and ultrasound and their spread, noise and audiometry, use in medicine. 5. Biophysics of electric signs and the effects of electric currents, diagnostic and therapeutic methods. 6. Biological membranes, resting and action membrane potential, electric current, action potential. 7. Optic, biophysics vision, light spreading, and the basics of the optical projection, tools in medicine using optical methods. 8. Electromagnetic field and its interaction with an organism, magnetotherapy. 9. Ionizing radiation in medicine, x-ray, x-ray computer tomography, radiotherapy. 10. Laser. Magnetic resonance. 11. Revision.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course provides basic information relating to the subject of biophysics. Its aim is to introduce students to selected areas of biophysics, to basic knowledge of physics and also to issues of its use in medicine.
Subject Knowledge: Student will learn the basic terminology, the knowledge and the substance of biophysical processes in human body. Subject Skills: Student is able to explain in the terms of biophysics of selected processes occurring in the human body and can describe the operating principles of physical instruments which he will get into contact with in clinical practice.
Conditional subject was not determined.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in classes. Successful completion of the written test - 80%.
Recommended literature
  • BENEŠ, J., STRÁNSKÝ P., VÍTEK F. Základy lékařské biofyziky. Praha: UK Praha, Karolinum. 196 s. ISBN 80-246-1009-4.. UK Praha, nakl. Karolinum, 2005. ISBN 80-246-1009-4.
  • HÁJEK, JERONÝM. Antropomotorika Praha:UKPF.2001,95s.. ISBN 8072900633.
  • HRAZDÍRA I. a kol. Biofyzika (učebnice pro LF). Praha : Avicenum,. 1983.
  • HRAZDÍRA I. a kol. Lékařská biofyzika a přístrojová technika. Praha: Neptun. ISBN 978-80-902896-1-4.. 1990. ISBN 978-80-902896-1-4.
  • NAVRÁTIL, L., ROSINA, J. a kol. Lékařská biofyzika. Praha, Manus, 2000, s. 357. ISBN 80-902318-5-3.
  • NAVRÁTIL, L., ROSINA,J., aj. Medicínská biofyzika, Grada Publishing, a.s, 2005. 2005.
  • ROSINA, J.a kol. Biofyzika pro studenty zdravotnických oborů.Praha:Grada,2006.232s. ISBN 80-247-1383-7.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester