Votava Jiří, doc. MUDr. CSc.
Pecharová Petra, Mgr.
Beranová Radka, Mgr. DiS.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. Components of comprehensive occupational therapy, continuity of medical rehabilitation, the role of occupational therapists. 2. Theoretical basics of ergotherapy. 3. Example of Canadian model and MOHO, basic values of ergotherapy. 4. International organization of occupational therapists, cooperation with CAE. 5. Terminology in ergotherapy. 6. International ICF classification. 7. Classification of aids. 8. Ergodiagnostics, quality of life. 9. Bezbarierost. 10. Differences in approach to children, to persons with sensory disabilities. Seminar topics: 1. Basics of the Bobath concept in training the client's self-sufficiency. 2. Basics of the Bobath concept in training the client's self-sufficiency. 3. Analysis of activities focused on range of motion and muscle strength, assessment of hand function. 4. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation ? upper limb 5. Practical familiarization with test batteries: DLOTCA, DOTCA-CH, DLOTCA-G 6. Getting to know the elements of basal stimulation. Occupational therapy plan. 7. Kinesthetic mobilization - patient manipulation. 8. Kinesthetic mobilization - patient manipulation 9. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation ? upper limb 10. Practical familiarization with the MABC-2 test battery.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the theoretical basics of ergotherapy and deepen the knowledge and skills that are essential for modern ergotherapy and for the comprehensive rehabilitation of people with disabilities, in which ergotherapists participate significantly.
Expertise: The student orientates in theoretical basics of ergotherapy, has an overview of available literature. He is able to carry out evaluation according to common tests, including assessment of the environment. He knows specific problems with individual types of clients, can explains ergotherapeutic terms, essence and goals of ergotherapy. Professional skills: The student will be able to evaluate practical self-sufficiency in patients with different types of disabilities, know the basics of Bobath concept, Basal stimulation, can evaluate hand functions and other skills based on subject content. Competences: The student is able to use practically the evaluation of self-sufficiency, basics of discussed therapeutic methods in occupational therapy.
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit: 80% attendance at seminars, continuous demonstration of practical skills, elaboration and presentation of seminar paper: Evaluation of architectural barriers in public building, elaboration of a draft for their removal. Monitoring the activities of the ČAE and its actions. exam: oral exam
Recommended literature
BASTLOVÁ, P. Proprioceptivní neuromuskulární facilitace. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2013. ISBN 978-80-244-4030-9..
JANKOVSKÝ, J. Ucelená rehabilitace dětí s tělesným a kombinovaným postižením. Praha: Triton, s.r.o., 2006. ISBN 80-7257-730-5..
JELÍNKOVÁ, J., KRIVOŠÍKOVÁ, M., ŠAJTAROVÁ, L. Ergoterapie. 1. vyd. Praha: Portál, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7367-583-7..
KRIVOŠÍKOVÁ, M. Úvod do ergoterapie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. 368 s. ISBN 978-247-2699-1.. Praha: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-2699-1.
KRIVOŠÍKOVÁ, M. Úvod do ergoterapie. Praha: Grada 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-2699-1..
PENDLETON H. M., SCHULTZ-KROHN W. Perdetti's Occupational Therapy - Practice skills for physical dysfunction. Elsiver, l241 s., ISBN 918-0-323-33927-8. ISBN 918-0-323-33927-8.
Tromboly, C.A. Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction. Williams + Wilkins. USA, 2007. 1432 s. ISBN 978-0781763126..
VODÁKOVÁ, J., a kol. Speciální pracovní výchova a ergoterapie. 1. vyd. Praha: UK Praha, 2003. 90 s. ISBN 80-7290-113-3.. ISBN 80-7290-113-3.
VOTAVA, J. Ergoterapie a technické pomůcky v rehabilitaci. Technická univversita v Liberci. 2009, 71 s..
VOTAVA, J. Ergoterapie a technické pomůcky v rehabilitaci. Technická univversita v Liberci. 2009, 71 s..
VOTAVA, J. Ucelená rehabilitace osob se zdravotním postižením. 1. vyd.. Praha: Karolinum, 2003. ISBN 80-246-0708-5.
VYSKOTOVÁ, J a K. MACHÁČKOVÁ. Jemná motorika: vývoj, motorická kontrola, hodnocení a testování. Praha: Grada, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4698-2..
VYSKOTOVÁ, J, I. KREJČÍ a K. MACHÁČKOVÁ. Terapie ruky. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2021. ISBN 978-80-244-5767-3..