Seminar Topics: The study is supplied with, depending on time possibilities, samples of tests of specific patients, videos about patients with cognitive disorders and also with practical tests and individual tasks. 1. Cognitive functions: problem setting, the order of cognitive functions within higher cortical functions, the terms of neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity, the role of occupational therapist in cognitive functions rehabilitation . 2. General rules and possibilities of examining cognitive disorders in the surgery by an occupational therapist. 3. Familiarization with the issues of individual function systems. Classification, types of disorders and their manifestations in practice, possibilities of examination. 4. Orientation. 5. Attention + screening types of tests: Clock test, MMSE, Addenbrooke's cognitive test. 6. Memory functions. 7. Training. 8. Visual-spatial function. 9. Thinking process. 10. Executive function.
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