Beňo Ľuboš, MUDr.
Bechyňová Miroslava, Mgr.
Bilík Jan, MUDr.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1.week: Introduction to subject, basic terms 2.week: Shock, division, prevention, first aid 3.week: Comatose, acute life threatening states 4.week: Emergency resuscitation 5.week: dressing material, dressings techniques 6.week: Bloodless injuries - principles, fixation 7.week: Securing a vein, dressing 8.week: Fractures, fixation, transport 9.week: Sport injuries - first aid 10.week: Sport injuries - prevention Seminar topics: 1.unit (1.-3.week) Stabilized positioning, cardiopulmonar resuscitation 2.unit (4.-6.week) Dressing techniques I., Dressing techniques II. 3.unit (7.-10.week) Control of bleeding, fixation of fractures, short term attachement at emergency unit
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Students obtain basic knowledge of giving first aid. In theoretical lessons the emphasis is put on acquiring the knowledge in life-threatening conditions, especially the recovery of basic life functions. Some lectures are focused on problems of health education. In practical seminars students learn to perform the tasks that enable to give first aid not only in life-threatening situations, but also dressing techniques and taping.
Students gain basic knowledges to providing first aid. At teoretical instructions is given emphasis to gainig knowledges of human life threatening states, especially at restoration of basic life functions. Part of instructions in given to issues of education to health. Students learn to carry out actions at practical seminars, which lets students to provide first aid not just life threatining states but also dressing techniques and taping.
Conditional subject was not determined.
Assessment methods and criteria
short term attachement at emergency unit Active 80% attendance at seminar instructions
Recommended literature
BERÁNKOVÁ, M.,FLEKOVÁ, A.,HOLTZHAUZEROVÁ, B. První pomoc. 1.vyd. Praha, Informatorium, 2002. 194 s. ISBN 80-86073-99-8.
ČAMEK, R.-HRUŠKA, L.-STAŠA, M.-ŠRÁMEK, P. Základy první pomoci pro posluchače FTVS UK. 1.vyd. Praha, Frances,. 1993.
DVOŘÁČEK, I., HRABOVSKÝ, J. První pomoc. 1.vyd. Praha, Avicenum,1982. 1986.
NÁPRAVNÍK, Č. Sportovní traumatologie pro posluchače tělesné výchovy. 1.vyd.Praha, SPN,. 1979.
PELIKÁN, J. Výchova pro život.. Praha:ISV, 1997. ISBN 80-85866-23-4.
ŠTĚTINA, J. a kol. Medicína katastrof a hromadných neštěstí. Praha, GRADA, 2000, 436 s. ISBN 80-7169-688-9.
WASSERBAUER, S. a kol. Výchova ke zdraví pro vyšší zdravotnické školy a střední školy. Praha, Státní zdravotní ústav, 2001. 47 s. ISBN 80-7071-172-8.