Šulcová Margareta, prof. MUDr. CSc.
Vostrý Michal, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture principles: 1.week Hygiene standards and safety at work 2.week Human's working efficiency and its limits 3.week Adjustment of interior atmosphere. Principles and prevension of infectious diseases. Prevention of nosocomial infections 4.week Human's tolerance and its overloading 5.week Principles of injury prevention and occupational diseases 6.week Basics of public heath support 7.week Ergonomy 8.week Ergonomy methods, ergonomy standards 9.week Evaluation of working load
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is outlined as theoretical-practical. Students acquaint with basic agents that decide the quality of working conditions and their influence on health and with principles of precautions that serve for propitious influence of working conditions. It also informs about physical and psychical stress at work.
Students are introduced to basic elements arbitrating the quality of working conditions and its influence to health and to action principles serving to positive influence of working conditions. They are also introduced to physical and psychical working load.
Achieved requirements of Work hygiene and ergonomics I. subject.
Assessment methods and criteria
Short term attachment at hygiene stations.Active 80% attendance at seminar instructions.
Recommended literature
CHUNDELA, L. Ergonomie. 1. vyd. Praha, ČVUT, 2001. 171s. ISBN 80-01-02301-X. ISBN 80-01-02301-X.. ISBN 80-01-02301-X.
KVAPILÍK, J., TINTĚRA, J. Školní zdravotnictví, hygiena a bezpečnost práce pro posluchače TV. 2. vyd. Praha, SPN, 1982. 253 s..
KVAPILÍK, J., TINTĚRA, J. Zdravotní propedeutika pro posluchače odborného studia - obor rehabilitace. 1. vyd. Praha, UK, 1985. 203 s..