Exercise Topics: 1. Ergotherapeutic examination (types and purpose of examination), Ergodiagnostics x Ergotesting 2. Ergotherapy in injuries of soft tissues on the upper limb (injury of skin and subcutis, burns) 3. Ergotherapy after fractures in the area of upper extremities 4. Ergotherapy after fractures in the area of lower extremities 5. Complications of fracture treatment (Volkmann's ischemic contracture, complex regional pain syndrome. Compartment syndrome) 6. Ergotherapy after amputation and after prosthesis in the upper limb area 7. Ergotherapy after amputation and after prosthesis in the lower extremity 8. Early Amputation Rehabilitation - Practical Demonstration and Bandaging of Stump, Pressure Therapy of Trauma Scars. 9. Monitoring of case reports of patients with hand trauma - demonstration of short-term ergotherapeutic plan design, possibilities of ergotherapy after traumatic head injury (TBI), acute, subacute and chronic phase.
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Lewit, K. Manipulační léčba v myoskeletární medicíně. 5.vyd. Praha:ČLS J. E. Purkyně, 2003. 411 s. ISBN 8086645045.. Praha, 1996.
MAZÁNEK, J. Traumatologie orofaciální oblasti. 2. přeprac. a dopl. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2007. 177 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1444-8. 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1444-8.
OPAVSKÝ, J. Neurologické vyšetření v rehabilitaci pro fyzioterapeuty. UP, Olomouc, 2003. ISBN 80-244-0625-X. 2003.
PAVLŮ, D. Speciální fyzioterapeutické koncepty a metody. Brno, 2002. ISBN 80-7204-266-1..
PILNÝ, J. Chirurgie ruky. Praha: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3295-4..
VÉLE, F. Kineziologie. 2.vyd. Praha: Triton, 2006. 374 s. ISBN 80 -7254-837-9..
VIŠNA, P. a kol. 2004. Traumatologie dospělých 1. vyd. Maxdorf. ISBN 80-7345-034-8..