Kynštová Hana, PhDr. Ph.D.
Votava Jiří, doc. MUDr. CSc.
Maršálek Pavel, MUDr.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. The system of ergodiagnostic evaluation of a patient by a rehabilitation team. 2. Modeling activities. 3. Ergodiagnostic tests and their further use. 4. Concept of work rehabilitation, legislative basis. 5. Possibility of employment by type of disability. Supported employment, sheltered workshops. 6. Abilympiáda. Relationship to ergonomics. Seminar Topics: 1. Participation of students in ergodiagnostic assessment. 2. Participation of students in ergodiagnostic assessment. 3. Working with case reports of patients before dismissal-suggestions for inclusion. 4. Working with case reports of patients before dismissal-suggestions for inclusion. 5. Work in sheltered workshops. 6. Determining the preconditions for labor integration through Labor Offices.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is conceived as theoretical-practical and follows subjects of occupational therapy. It presents a program of ergodiagnostic assessment in order to determine the prerequisites for working inclusion. It describes the system of work rehabilitation, coordinated Labor Offices and the possibility of getting a job with a disabled person in a sheltered job or in supported employment.
Expertise: The student is able to describe the method of patient evaluation within the framework of ergodiagnostics, including the participation of an occupational therapist on it, and the issue of inclusion of persons with disabilities. Professional skills: Student is able to design and use the way of work and information. Competences: The student is able to perform an ergodiagnostic examination and determine the conclusions based on the results of the examination.
Assessment methods and criteria
credit: verification of practical professional skills in ergodiagnostic assessment obtained during the seminars exam: oral exam from set thematic areas and evaluation of assigned work (elaboration of model activity).
Recommended literature
GILBERTOVÁ S., MATOUŠEK, O. Ergonomie. Praha: 2003..
HATAŘ. J. Sociálně právní minimum pro osoby se zdravotním postižením. Národní rada osob se zdravotním postižením v ČR, 2009, 239 s. ISBN 978-80-87181-02-7.
JACOBS, K. Ergonomics for Therapists. Butterworth, USA, 2007. 380 s. ISBN-978-0-323-04853-8.. USA, 2007. ISBN 978-0-323-04853-8.
SEIFERT, B., L. ČELEDOVÁ a kol. Základní pojmy praktického a posudkového lékařství. Karolinum. Praha, 2012, 193 s. ISBN 978-80-246-2082-4.. Praha, 2012. ISBN 978-80-246-2082-4.
VODÁKOVÁ, J., a kol. Speciální pracovní výchova a ergoterapie. 1. vyd. Praha: UK Praha, 2003. 90 s. ISBN 80-7290-113-3.. ISBN 80-7290-113-3.
VOTAVA, J. Ergoterapie a technické pomůcky v rehabilitaci. Technická univversita v Liberci. 2009, 71 s..