Exercise Topics: 1. Introduction to the subject - principles when working with a child client with regard to the current age of the client. Development of children's games, specifics of children's play in individuals with disabilities. 2. Development of children's drawing - possibilities of use in ergodiagnostics. Ergotherapy testing in pediatric clients 3. Therapeutic concepts of ergotherapy in pediatrics - Orofacial therapy. 4. Therapeutic concepts of ergotherapy in paediatrics - Sensory integration. 5. Ergotherapeutic diagnostics of a child in early and pre-school age according to the type of disease - use of tests, ergotherapeutic intervention for a child in early and pre-school age according to the type of disease. 6. Ergotherapeutic diagnostics of a child in school and adolescent age according to the type of illness - use of tests, ergotherapeutic intervention for a child in school and adolescent age according to the type of disease. 7. Ergotherapy for cerebral palsy-problems, therapeutic goals, methods and means. 8. Compensation aids for self-care, locomotion in childhood. 9. Working in a group - analyzes of casuistics, suggestions of therapy according to diagnoses.
The course is designed as a practical one and it follows the lectures in Paediatrics, Psychology and Theory of Occupational Therapy. It introduces the problems of ergotherapy in children in the conditions of hospitals, medical institutions, spas and special nursery and primary schools. Part of the course is practical introduction to individual therapeutic techniques, therapies and concepts used in egotherapy for children clients.
Expertise: The student demonstrates knowledge in ergotherapy in pediatrics. It demonstrates knowledge of individual therapeutic procedures, therapies and methodologies, understanding of the possibilities and conditions of use of ergotherapy in the pediatric indication area, demonstrates knowledge of developmental milestones of childhood. It demonstrates broad knowledge of the short-term and long-term plan implementation in the indicated area. It demonstrates orientation in the differences in the use of ergotherapy in individual types of children's facilities. Professional skills: The student is able to apply basic principles of gross, fine motor and graphomotor development, elements of Orofacial therapy and Theory of sensory integration. Competences: Student is able to use basic elements of Orofacial Therapy and Theory of Sensory Integration in practice, is able to perform basic examination of gross, fine motor skills, oromotorics and graphomotorics in children clients according to their age.
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