Seminar topics: 1. Introduction to the subject - principles when working with a child client with respect to the current age of the client. Development children's play, the specifics of children's play in individuals with disabilities. 2. Development of children's drawing - possibilities for use in ergodiagnostics. Testing of ergotherapy in children clients 3. Therapeutic Concepts of Ergotherapy in Pediatrics - Orofacial Therapy. 4. Therapeutic concepts of ergotherapy in pediatrics - Sensory integration. 5. Ergotherapeutic examination of the child in early and pre-school age according to the type of illness, ergotherapeutic intervention in a child in early and pre-school age according to the type of illness. 6. Ergotherapeutic examination of the child in school and adolescent age according to the type of illness, ergotherapeutic intervention in a child in school and adolescent age according to the type of illness. 7. Ergotherapy in cerebral palsy - problems, therapeutic goals, methods and means. 8. Compensation aids for self-service, locomotives in childhood. 9. Work in the group - casuistry analyzes, diagnosis proposals.
The subject is structured as theoretically-practical and follows the area presented by clinical pediatrics. It explains the issues of occupational therapy among children under hospital conditions, medical centres, spas and special nursery and basic schools. The focus is put on applying occupational therapy during the process of education.
Subject Knowledge: Within the frame of theoretic knowledge the students can use professional terminology concerning the given issues. They are also able to describe basic treatment goals, methods and means for certain types of disability and they are aware of the importance of empathic approach both to the client and their family members. Professional Skills: The students can realize the case study of a child and also suggest changes to the environment. Furthermore, they can create teaching aids, toys and rules for children's games based on the disability of a child. They can communicate with family members and can professionally educate them. The students can use the theoretical knowledge in practice.
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