Beranová Radka, Mgr. DiS.
Course content
Lecture Topics: 1. consultation: Work hygiene: goals, methods of work, realization in practice. Physical, chemical and biological factors in work environment, their influence on health and prevention. The assessment of health risks, risky occupation, medical preventive check-ups; Hygiene of work when doing individual activities within occupational therapy. Physiology of work; physical, sensory, mental strain when working. Ergonomics: goals, methods of work, ergonomic programmes. Self-Study: Manipulation with burdens, ergonomic principles for adaptations of work places. Deseases resulted from long lasting excessive one-side strain and their prevention. Intervention programmes and health support at work.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is structured as theoretically-practical. Students will get familiar with work conditions assessment, physical, chemical and biological factors of the work place and their influence on health, assessment of health risks, categorization of work, basics of physiology of work and ergonomics, evaluation of physical and sensory burden when working, precaution principles to protect the health of workers.
Subject Knowledge: Students know how to identify factors of the work environment and their influence on health of workers, they are aware of the assessment of health risks, categorization of work, precautions regarding health protection of workers. Students know the basics of work physiology, assessment of physical, sensory and mental strain when working and the influence on the health of workers, principles of adaptation of work places and modifying work conditions according to physical and mental abilities of the employees. Students get familiar with the focus of ergonomics, principles of the correct manipulation with objects and preventive measures to protect the locomotive system and prevention of illnesses from long lasting excessive one-side strain. They also follow ergonomic principles of adapting work places including changing the work conditions for those with work disability. Professional Skills: Students can evaluate health risks at work, suggest ergonomic programs and suitable preventive measures to protect health of workers, particularly when they carry out individual activities within occupational therapy and suggest suitable setting and adaptations of the work place for people with different disabilities.
Conditional subject was not determined.
Assessment methods and criteria
Compulsory attendance of lectures and consultations, completion of a written test with 80% passing level
Recommended literature
GILBERTOVÁ S., MATOUŠEK, O. Ergonomie. Praha: 2003..
CHUNDELA, L. Ergonomie. 1. vyd. Praha, ČVUT, 2001. 171s. ISBN 80-01-02301-X. ISBN 80-01-02301-X.. ISBN 80-01-02301-X.
KIS S. ET AL. Ergonomia. Košice, 1991.
KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Manuál prevence v lékařské praxi - díl V. Prevence nepříznivého působení faktorů pracovního prostředí a pracovních procesů. SZÚ Praha. 1998.
KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Pracovní lékařství, díl I. - III. Praha, 1995. 1995.
Král, M. Ergonomie a její technické využití, Ostrava. 1994.
TUČEK, M. a kol. Hygiena a epidemiologie pro bakaláře. Praha: UK, Karolinum, 2012, ISBN 978-80-246-2136-4.. Praha: Karolinum, 2012. ISBN 978-80-246-2136-4.